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Hyku Cookbook: Transcription Translation

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Transcription translation

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Definition Transcription of textual content of work and/or translation of it into English.

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Transcription: Crucifige clamitant in hora teriaru(m) Illusus induitur veste purpurar(um) Caput eis pu(n)gitur corona spina(rum) Cruce(m) portat humeris ad locum pena(rum). a(ntiphon). Adora- m(us) te (christe) (et) b(e)n(e) dicim(us) tibi: q(uia) p(er) sancta(m) cruce(m) tau(m) redemisti mundu(m). v(ersus). Per signu(m) sa(n)cte crucis R(esponsorum) Liberet nos de inimicis n(ost)ris d(omin)us deus noster. D(omi)ne exaudi oratione(m) meam. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. Oratio. D(o)mine iesu (christe) filii dei vivi pone passionem cruce(m) et mortem tuam i- (n)ter iudicium tuum et anima(m) meam nunc et in hora mortis mee: (et) se(m)per largiri di- gneris vivis misericordia(m) (et) gratiam de- functis requiem et venia(m) ecclesie tue pa- ce(m) (et) concordiam: (et) nobis peccatoribus vi- tam et gloria(m) sempiternam. Qui vivis (et) regnas deus. Per omnia seccula seculo- rum. Amen. Ad tertiam de sancto spiritu. Deus in adiutorium meum inten- de. Domine ad adivuandum me- festina. Gloria patri et filio (et) spiritui sa(n)- cto. Sicut erat in principio (et) nunc et sem- per et in secula seculorum. Amen. an(tiphon). Veni sancte spiritus reple tuo(rum) cor- da fidelium et tui amoris in eis ignem ac- Translation: “Crucify him!” they cried in the third hour. Having been mocked, he is clothed him with a robe of purple. His head is pierced with a crown of thorns. He carried the cross on his shoulder to the place of punishment. Antiphon We adore you and bless you, Oh Christ, because through the holy cross you have redeemed the world. Verse. Through the sign of the holy cross. Free us from our enemies, O Lord our God. Listen to my prayer, O Lord, and may my cry come unto you. Oratio. O Lord Jesus Christ, place your passion, crucifixion and death between your judgment and my spirit now and in the hour of my death: and may you always deign to grant mercy to the living, and favor to the dead and may you give to your church peace and concord: and to us sinners life and eternal glory. To God who lives and reigns. For all age of ages, Amen. For the third (hour) of the Holy Spirit. God, attend to my help. Lord, hurry to my aid. Glory to the Father and Son and to the Holy Spirit. Just as it was in the beginning, and now and always for age of ages. Amen Antiphon: Come, holy spirit, and fill the hearts of your faithful and ignite the fire of your love in them.