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Hyku Cookbook: County

Recipes for metadata entry for UofL Digital Collections


This field is recommended if available for Kentucky locations only, or others if provided with the original metadata. If the county is not known and cannot be estimated, leave it blank.

sample of elements that show on each field page

Yes. Enter each county in the same field, separated by a semicolon and a space.

Hyku term county
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Definition Describes an image of or taken in the largest local administrative unit within the state of Kentucky.

Use the correct form of the place name when available in Library of Congress Authorities.

For renamed counties, enter the new place name in this field. (The title and/or description should contain the name used when the photo was taken.)

Do not use “Unknown”—just leave the field blank.

If an authoritative version of a name is not available, create an AACR2-compliant heading: [Name] County (St.)


Jefferson County (Ky.)

Daviess County (Ky.)

Addison County (Vt.)