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Hyku Cookbook: Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

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Usage Guide to lengthy textual documents providing pagination. Likely provided by creator, but may be augmented by cataloger.

Table of Contents of Vol. 1 [covers period from 1792 to 1800]: Title Page (n.p.) / Copyright page (n.p) / Introduction (pp. i-vi) / Charter of Virginia of 1609 (pp. vii-xiii) / Proclamation of 1763 (p. xiii) / Constitution of the United States (pp. 1-21) / Constitution of Kentucky (1792) (pp. 22-38) / New Constitution of Kentucky (1799) (pp. 38-58) / Acts of the General Assembly of Kentucky (pp. 59-697) / Index of Public and Practical Law (pp. 698-742) / Index to the Acts of Virginia Contained in the Praelections (pp. 743-744) / Index to Local Matter (pp. 745-747) / Table of Personal Acts (pp. 747) / Table of Reference to Cases Adjudicated in the Court of Appeals (pp. 748-758)