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Hyku Cookbook: Digitization Specifications

Recipes for metadata entry for UofL Digital Collections

Digitization specifications

This field is mandatory field if applicable. Every record of a digitized item must include digitization specifications; it does not apply to born-digital materials.

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Hyku term digitization_specification
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Definition Use the Digitization Specifications element to record technical information about the digitization of the resource: the hardware, software, and processes used to create the digitized resource.

A free-text field that may include:

  • Size of master file (in bytes)
  • Bit depth, resolution, or other indicators of quality of digitization as applicable
  • Electronic format or compression scheme
  • Pixel dimensions, pagination, spatial resolution, play time, or other measurements of the physical or temporal extent of the digital object
  • Creation hardware, including manufacturer and model name/number
  • Creation software, including name and version
  • Preferred presentation device, application, medium, or environment
  • Name of scanning technician or vendor
  • Operating system used on the computer with which the digital object was created
  • Checksum value
  • Link (URL) to set of steps describing the creation process.

Scanned using Epson Expression 1680, as a 600 ppi TIFF image in 24-bit RGB color. Compressed into JPEG format of maximum quality using IrfanView version 4.58.

Scanned from microfilm to Prescient Information Systems, Inc. as 400 ppi grayscale tiffs. Converted to PDFs and OCRed using Adobe Acrobat.

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