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Hyku Cookbook: Alternative Title

Recipes for metadata entry for UofL Digital Collections

Alternative title

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Repeatable Yes. Enter each alternative title in the same field, separated by a semicolon and a space.
Hyku term alternative_title
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Definition Any form of the title used as a substitute or alternative to the formal title of the object.

Use for subtitles, titles translated into English, titles with ampersands and numerals spelled out, earlier or later names of the building referenced in the title, etc.

Capitalize only the initial first letter and proper names.

Remove leading articles (e.g. A, An, The).


Special map of the South Sea with new and useful remarks not only about the ports and islands of that sea, but also on the main countries of North America and South America, with names and routes of the voyagers by whom their discovery has been made. [English translation of French title]

Rebecca Porter as Mom Beck in Little Colonel books, 1904. [when title given by creator was Mom Beck]

Fairfax Building. [when title referenced Development and University Relations Building]

Littell’s Statutes of Kentucky.