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Kentucky Alliance Oral History Project: One Louisville Flyer

Kentucky Alliance Oral History Project

Artifacts: One Louisville Flyer


Coalition building remains an important part of the work of the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. This undated flyer is an example of their coalition work with organizations like the Justice Resource Center and SCLC to bring about social justice in Louisville.


University of Louisville Archives & Records Center, Anne Braden Papers 1920s-2006 (bulk 1970s-2006), 2006-050-Box 58, Leaflets/Flyers Similar Folder 1.

Text of Document

Louisville needs justice not public relations

Come deliver a message to the Race Relations Panel

One Louisville
3:00 P.M. Thursday - Fourth & Liberty
Fifth Third Bank

"You want to head off racial unrest?
A public relations campaign won't do it.
Look for the source of the problem--and ways to solve it!
Don't try to shut up the messenger -- listen to the message!
Make sure police officers obey the law or are fired.
Put Louisville in the history books!
Louis Coleman is not the problem."

Come join hands to tell
One Louisville

You Can't Shut Us All Up!
We Will Not Be Quiet
Until the Police Have to Obey the Law

CAPA, Justice Resource Center, Kentucky Alliance, Kentucky Rainbow/PUSH, Kentucky SCLC

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