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Presentations and Publications: 2021

A list of the presentations and publications by faculty and staff of the University of Louisville Libraries


Baron, Courtney. "Historical Dictionary of Neoclassical Art and Architecture by Allison Lee Palmer [Review]." Choice Reviews 58, no. 5 (January 2021).

Baron, Courtney. "Mapping a Transcendent Life: Using ARCgis Storymaps to Showcase the Public Art, Murals, and Monuments of Muhammad Ali." Art Libraries Society of North America, virtual, May 13, 2021.

Baron, Courtney. "Outreach in the Time of Covid-19: How Academic Art Libraries Are Pivoting Their Services to a Virtual Environment." Art Libraries Society of North America, virtual, May 13, 2021.

Baron, Courtney, and Olivia Eckert. "The Kentucky Women Artists Timeline: The Uofl Margaret M. Bridwell Art Library and the Kentucky Foundation for Women Collaborate to Document Feminist Arts in Kentucky." Kentucky Libraries 85, no. 3 (2021): 2-6.

Cox, Fannie M., Courtney Baron, Delinda Buie, and Enid Trucios-Haynes. "Muhammad Ali: A Transcendent Life: Scholarship & Community Engagement." Engagement Scholarship Consortium, virtual, September 13, 2021.

Detmering, Robert. "Reference Reimagined: Evolving Services and Spaces at the University of Louisville." University of Texas at San Antonio Information Resources Training, July 21, 2021.

Detmering, Robert, Terri Holtze, and Amber Willenborg. "On the Lookout for Lizards: Online Tools for Informed Democratic Citizenship." University of Calgary, virtual, April 30, 2021.

Detmering, Robert, Alexandra Howard, and Amber Willenborg. "Remote Control: Engaging Faculty in the Online Wilderness." Kentucky Library Association Conference, virtual, April 22, 2021.

Detmering, Robert, Latisha Reynolds, and Amber Willenborg. "From Storms to Sunshine: Navigating Change in Challenging Times." Kentucky Library Association Conference, virtual, October 14, 2021.

Detmering, Robert, and Amber Willenborg. "Citizen Information Literacy: Online Tools for Democratic Citizenship." University of Louisville Celebration of Teaching & Learning, virtual, February 5, 2021.

Detmering, Robert, and Amber Willenborg. "Transform and Roll Out: Using Online Tools to Promote Informed Citizenship across the Disciplines." LOEX Conference, virtual, May 13, 2021.

Detmering, Robert, and Patricia Payette. "Finding a New Fit for Student Success: Librarians as Agents of Teaching Innovation and Institutional Change." Journal of Library Administration 61, no. 8 (2021): 947-63.

Dorpinghaus, Sarah, Cory Lampert, Rebecca Pattillo, and Kyna Herzinger. "Maximizing Good: An Inquiry-Based Approach to Minimal Description for Online Archives." In The Lighting the Way Handbook: Case Studies, Guidelines, and Emergent Futures for Archival Discovery and Delivery, edited by Mark A. Matienzo and Dinah Handel, 73-83: Stanford University Libraries, 2021.

Duggins, Brandi, and Anita R. Hall. "The Impact of the Early Covid-19 Pandemic Response on Kentucky’s Library Workforce." Kentucky Libraries 85, no. 1 (2021): 6-12.

Frankel, Sarah, and Rachel Howard. "Publishing Undergraduate Research: From Serendipity to Strategy." Library Publishing Forum, virtual, May 10, 2021.

Ertz, Matt. "Engaging Communities through Radio." Kentucky Libraries 85, no. 2 (Spring 2021): 4-9.

Genova, Gina C., and Riley Sumner. "No Library? No Problem! Information Outreach to Health Professionals " Conference poster. 2021 MCMLA/Midwest Joint Chapter Meeting, virtual, October 13-15.

Genova, Gina C., and Riley Sumner. "What If You Don’t Have a Library? Information Outreach to Health Professionals." Lightning talk. Kentucky Medical Library Association 2021 Conference, virtual, July 16, 2021.

Goldberg, Matthew. "The Rewards of Valor: A Conversation on Veterans, Race, and African Americans in the United States Military, 1775-1948." G.E. Veteran’s Week Celebration, 2021.

Goldberg, Tyler, and Diana Reid. "Altogether, One at a Time: Revitalizing Our Multicultural Children’s Collection." Kentucky Library Association, virtual, April 2021.

Grote, Lidiya, and Jennifer Hardin. "For the Love of Libraries: Gathering Student Feedback with Sticky Notes to Improve Library Services." KLA Annual Conference: Stronger Together: Taking Charge of Change, Online, October 14, 2021.

[Hall, Anita et al.] "ACRL 2021 Environmental Scan." Association of College & Research Libraries, 2021.

Hall, Anita R., and Brandi Duggins. "Continued Impact of Covid-19 on Kentucky Library Workers." Kentucky Library Association Conference, virtual, October 2021.

Hall, Anita R., and Julene Jones. "Findings About Our Library Surveys: Universities of Louisville and Kentucky’s User Surveys." LibPMC, November 2021.

Hall, Anita R., and Julene Jones.. "A Survey of Surveys: Developing a Survey Strategy for Your Library Using Standardized and/or Local Instruments." Southeastern Library Assessment Conference, November 2021.

Herzinger, Kyna, and Lauren Bickel. "Collaboration in Isolation: Exploring a Partnership in Rapid-Response Collecting." Kentucky Council on Archives Conference, virtual, May 6, 2021.

Herzinger, Kyna, and Rebecca Pattillo. "Reflections on Active Collecting During Difficult Times." In the Library with the Lead Pipe (September 15, 2021).

Holtze, Terri. "Developing Tools and Communication Strategies for Web Development." Kentucky Library Association, virtual, October 15, 2021.

Holtze, Terri L. "Women's Work in Louisville, Kentucky." 2021, accessed May 18, 2022.

Howard, Rachel, Jessica Petrey, and Sarah Frankel. "Publishing Partnership: Facilitating Open Access through Libraries Collaboration with Clinical Departments." Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries, virtual, November 2021.

Keisling, Bruce L., and Robert E. Fox. "Permeable Learning Environments: How Developing Permeability in Library Spaces Fosters Student Learning and Engagement." New Review of Academic Librarianship 27, no. 4 (2021): 440-54.

Kinnaman, Alex , Rachel Howard, and Deanna Ulvestad. "To Preserve, You Must Adapt. International Conference on Digital Preservation." iPres, virtual, October 2021.

Miller, Megan E. "Trends in Government Information Librarianship." Kentucky Library Association 85, no. 3 (2021): 9-14.

Pattillo, Rebecca, Leanna Barcelona, Kyna Herzinger, Elizabeth James, Katherine Schlesinger, Summer Shetenhelm, and Heather Stecklein. "Active Collecting During Difficult Times: Critical Reflections on Covid-19 Documentation Projects." Society of American Archivists Conference, virtual, August 4, 2021.

Peterson, Eleanor, Rebecca Morgan, and Aaron W. Calhoun. "Improving Patient- and Family-Centered Communication in Pediatrics: A Review of Simulation-Based Learning." Pediatric Annals 50, no. 1 (2021): e32-e38.

Stine, Courtney, Enid Trucios-Haynes, Fannie M. Cox, and Delinda Buie. "Peace & Justice: University and Community Celebrate Muhammad Ali’s Legacy." Engagement Scholarship Consortium, September 2021.

Willenborg, Amber. "Post-Apocalyptic Library Instruction: Where Do We Go from Here?" Kentucky Library Association Library Instruction Roundtable (KLA LIRT) Retreat, virtual, July 15, 2021.

Willenborg, Amber, and Tessa Withorn. "Online Learning Librarianship in a Fully Online World: Findings (and Advice) from a National Study During the Covid-19 Pandemic." Ascending into an Open Future: The Proceedings of the ACRL 2021 Virtual Conference, 2021.

Withorn, Tessa, Carolyn Caffrey Gardner, and Dana Ospina. "Mixing up a Three-Layer Peer Review Cake with Critical Information Literacy, Online Learning, and Scholarly Communication." In The Scholarly Communications Cookbook, edited by Brianna Buljung and Emily Bongiovanni, 2021.

Withorn, Tessa, Jillian Eslami, Hannah Lee, Maggie Clarke, Carolyn Caffrey, Cristina Springfield, Dana Ospina, et al. "Library Instruction and Information Literacy 2020." Reference Services Review 49, no. 3/4 (2021): 329-418.


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