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Presentations and Publications: 2016

A list of the presentations and publications by faculty and staff of the University of Louisville Libraries

Carter, Sarah. "Aligning Circulation Policies with Student Needs and Collection Value: A Historic Comparison of Trends in Academic Art Libraries." Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 35 (2016): 262-80.

Carter, Sarah. "Circulation Policy for Undergraduate Students at Margaret Bridwell Art Library." Kentucky Libraries 80 (2016): 7-11.

Carter, Sarah, and Alex O'Keefe. "Metadata for the Win: Using the Arlis/Na Artists' Books Thesaurus to Meet User Needs." ARLIS/NA Mountain West Webinar. 2016. Online.

Cox, Fannie M., "Diversity, Recruitment, and Community Engagement: It’s Happening at the Library." Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) Diversity Workshop 2016.

Cox, Fannie M. "Knowing and Growing Our Impact with Community Engagement, Outreach, and Engaged Scholarship." KLA / SLA Joint Spring Conference. 2016.

Detmering, Robert, and Jane Hammons. "Under Pressure: A Conversation on Programmatic Assessment and Improvement." Kentucky Library Association Library Instruction Round Table Retreat. 2016.

Finley, Sue, Fannie M. Cox, and Latisha Reynolds. "What's Free a to Z? Supplementing a to Z Lists with No Cost Resources." KLA / SLA Joint Spring Conference. 2016.

Fox, Robert E., Jr., and Maurini Strub. "Communicating Assessment Results." Association of Research Libraries Seminar. 2016.

Goldberg, Matthew, and Tyler Upton. "How May I Help You? An Examination of 25,000 Patron Questions." Kentucky Library Association Fall Conference 2016.

Goldberg, Tyler, and Neal Nixon. "Impaired Vision: Reflections on Trends and Changes in Technical Services." Kentucky Library Association Fall Conference 2016.

Goldberg, Tyler, and Lois Schultz. "Changing Face of Technical Services: Expectations and Challenges in Managing Technical Services over the Decades." KLA / SLA Joint Spring Conference. 2016.

Head, B., et al. "Improving Medical Graduates' Training in Palliative Care: Advancing Education and Practice." Advances in Medical Education and Practice 7 (2016): 1-14.

Holtze, Terri. "Making the Most of Libguides." Kentucky Library Association Fall Conference 2016.

Martinez, George, et al. "Raising the Library's Impact Factor: Collaborating to Create a Publishing Academy for Graduate Students." KLA / SLA Joint Spring Conference. 2016.

Reynolds, Latisha, Samantha McClellan, Sue Finley, George Martinez, and Rosalinda Hernandez. "Library Instruction and Information Literacy 2015." Reference Services Review 44, no. 4 (2016): 436-543.

Sproles, Claudene, and Robert Detmering. "Working Information Literacy: The Instruction Librarian Specialty in Job Advertisements, 1973-2013." Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL 3.4 (2016).

Strub, Maurini. "Event Evaluation: Developing a Rubric." American Library Association Midwinter Meeting. 2016.

Strub, Maurini."UX: What the Heck? Becoming a UX Librarian." Association of Research Libraries Leadership Symposium. 2016.

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