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Presentations and Publications: 2018

A list of the presentations and publications by faculty and staff of the University of Louisville Libraries


Buie, Delinda, "Annie Fellows Johnston and Her Little Colonel in Context." Kentucky Library Association, Louisville, KY, September 2018.

Cox, F. M., L. Simeon, and A. Hussain, "Multicultural Children’s Literature: Who’s Evaluating? Are Selectors Culturally Competent to Evaluate Children’s Literature? Where Is the Evaluation Happening (Awards/Vendor/Library)? And How Is Diverse Children’s Literature Being Used in Libraries? ." 3rd National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color, Albuquerque, NM, September 28, 2018.

Ertz, Matt, "Grawemeyer Collection." Guitar Foundation of America Annual Meeting Louisville, KY, 2018.

Ertz, Matt. "The Grawemeyer Collection at the University of Louisville: The History of a ‘Living’ Special Collection." Notes: Journal of the Music Library Association 75, no. 2 (December 2018): 191-206.

Finley, Sue, "From Tick Marks to Transaction Tracking Apps." Kentucky Library Association and Special Libraries Association Joint Spring Conference, Carrollton, KY, 2018.

Finley, Sue and Latisha Reynolds, "Corralling Data for Collection Decisions." Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC, 2018.

Fox, Heather, "Amplifying the Voices of Louisville's Jewish Community: The University of Louisville Oral History Center's Digitization and Indexing Project." Kentucky Jewish History Symposium, April 12-13, 2018.

Fox, Heather, "Louisville’s Latinx Oral History Project." Midwest Archives Conference, Chicago, IL, March 23, 2018.

Fox, Heather, "Preserving the Louisville Sound." Society of American Archivists annual meeting, August 16, 2018.

Gipson, Tiffney, "Designing a Conceptual Discovery Framework for Use by Medical Students." KLA/SLA Joint Spring, Carrollton, KY, April 5, 2018.

Gipson, Tiffney, "Mentoring the Next Generation of Librarians." Ohio Health Sciences Library Spring Meeting, April 20, 2018.

Gipson, Tiffney, "Ready Reference Training for Public Access Staff." Medical Library Association annual meeting, May 20, 2018.

Gipson, Tiffney, Lauren Robinson, and Rebecca Morgan, "Librarians Building Innovative Library Technologies: Creating It Ourselves." American Library Association annual meeting, June 24, 2018.

Goldberg, Matthew. "Review of the Book: True to Their Salt: Indigenous Personnel in Western Armed Forces by Robert Johnson." Choice 56, no. 2 (Oct. 2018).

Goldberg, Matthew. "Searching for the Past: Historians' Information-Seeking Behaviors and Needs." Kentucky Libraries Journal 82, no. 3 (2018).

Goldberg, Tyler and Claudene Sproles. "Journal Weeding Project at the University of Louisville: A Case Study." Codex 5, no. 1 (2018): 5-21.

Grote, Lidiya, "Have You Met Ted?" FALCON 2018, Indianapolis, IN, November 9-10, 2018.

Hauck, Janet, Kyna Herzinger, and Rose Sliger Krause. "MPLP Ten Years Later: The Adventure of Being among the First." Provenance 35, no. 2 (Winter 2018): 71-124.

Herzinger, Kyna, "A Change Would Do You Good: Transforming Archives with Cross-Sector Perspectives." Midwest Archives Conference, Chicago, IL, March 23, 2018.

Herzinger, Kyna, "Toward a Theory of Trustworthy Digital Preservation: File Integrity at the Institutional Level." Society of American Archivists, Washington, DC, August 16, 2018.

Holtze, Terri, Rachel Howard, Randy Kuehn, Rebecca Pattillo, and Elizabeth E. Reilly. "Overcoming Legacy Processing in Photographic Collections through Collaboration and Digital Technologies." Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 14, no. 2 (2018): 133-50.

Johnson, Anna Marie. "Librarian Sabbaticals: Overcoming the Hurdles and Realizing the Benefits." College & Research Libraries 79, no. 11 (December 2018).

Johnson, Anna Marie, "Meeting Faculty Where They Are: The New Work of Reference & Liaison Librarians with Their Faculty User Groups." KLA Joint Spring Conference, General Butler State Park, KY, April 6, 2018.

Johnson, Anna Marie, Amber Willenborg, Christopher Heckman, Josh Whitacre, Latisha Reynolds, Elizabeth Alison Sterner, Lindsay Harmon, Syann Lunsford, and Sarah Drerup. "Library Instruction and Information Literacy 2017." Reference Services Review 46, no. 4 (2018): 628-734.

Keisling, Bruce L. "Blended Learning: Scaling Library Services and Instruction to Support Changing Educational Landscapes." Library Management 39, no. 3/4 (2018): 207-15.

Liu, Weiling. "Linked Data in a Nutshell: A Starter Kit of Selected Annotated Bibliography and Resources for Academic Librarians: Part One." International Journal of Librarianship 3, no. 1 (2018): 36-53.

Liu, Weiling. "Linked Data in a Nutshell: A Starter Kit of Selected Annotated Bibliography and Resources for Academic Librarians: Part Two." International Journal of Librarianship 3, no. 1 (2018): 54-55.

Liu, Weiling and 2017-2018 CALASYS Group, "Build an Organizational Digital Scholarship Repository Using Omeka." American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 24, 2018.

Liu, Weiling and 2017-2018 CALASYS Group, "If We Build It, They Will Come: Improving the Cala’s Institutional Repository." American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 24, 2018.

Liu, Weiling and 2017-2018 CALASYS Group, "Prospects for Connecting Community and Engaging Students for an Academic Resource and Repository System." Hawai’i Library Association Conference, Honolulu, HI, November 16, 2018.

Morgan, Rebecca, "A House Divided: The End of a Library Services Contract between a Statewide for-Profit Health System and an Academic Library." Medical Library Associal National Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018.

Morgan, Rebecca, Lauren Robinson, and Tiffney Gipson, "Constructing a Conceptual Discovery Framework for Use by Medical Students " KLA/SLA Joint Spring Conference, General Butler State Resort Park, Carrollton, KY, April 4-6, 2018.

Pattillo, Rebecca, "“How Do I Transition out of Graduate School?” Roundtable." Careers in History Symposium, National Council on Public History, Indianapolis, IN, November 4, 2018.

Pattillo, Rebecca, "The (Omni)Present Erasure of Archival Labor in Media: A Case Study." Digital Library Federation Forum, Las Vegas, NV, October 15, 2018.

Pattillo, Rebecca, "Original Intent Vs Contemporary Use: Metropolitan Sewer District Collection." Government Documents Roundtable spring meeting, Kentucky Library Association, Louisville, KY, May 11, 2018.

Pattillo, Rebecca. "Preserving and Integrating Conservation Photography at the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields as the 2016-2017 Vraf Intern." VRA Bulletin 45, no. 1 (2018): Article 7.

Procell, James and Matt Ertz. "Books Recently Published." Notes: Journal of the Music Library Association 74, no. 3 (March 2018): 469-77.

Procell, James and Matt Ertz. "Books Recently Published." Notes: Journal of the Music Library Association 74, no. 4 (June 2018): 664-80.

Procell, James and Matt Ertz. "Books Recently Published." Notes: Journal of the Music Library Association 75, no. 1 (September 2018): 122-30.

Procell, James and Matt Ertz. "Books Recently Published." Notes: Journal of the Music Library Association 75, no. 2 (December 2018): 321-25.

Sproles, Claudene. "Climate Change in Human History. (Book Review)." Choice 55 (2018): 1502.

Sproles, Claudene. "Flood on the Tracks: Living, Dying, and the Nature of Disaster in the Elkhorn River Basin. (Book Review)." Choice 56 (2018): 521.

Sproles, Claudene. "Guide to the Geology and Natural History of the Blue Ridge Mountains. (Book Review)." Choice 55 (2018): 1356.

Sproles, Claudene. "Historical Dictionary of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare. (Book Review)." Choice 55 (2018): 1190.

Sproles, Claudene. "Kentucky Kaleidoscope." Kentucky Libraries 82, no. 1 (2018): 19-21.

Sproles, Claudene. "Kentucky Kaleidoscope." Kentucky Libraries 82, no. 2 (2018): 18-20.

Sproles, Claudene. "Kentucky Kaleidoscope." Kentucky Libraries 82, no. 3 (2018): 19-21.

Sproles, Claudene. "Kentucky Kaleidoscope." Kentucky Libraries 82, no. 4 (2018): 22-24.

Sproles, Claudene. "Mesopotamia and the Rise of Civilization: History, Documents, and Key Questions. (Book Review)." Choice 55 (2018).

Sproles, Claudene. "Modern American Extremism and Domestic Terrorism: An Encyclopedia of Extremists and Extremist Groups. (Book Review)." Choice 56 (2018): 458.

Willenborg, Amber, Robert Detmering, and Samantha McClellan, "Charting New Territory Together: Mentoring Peer Research Assistants in Information Literacy." LOEX National Conference on Information Literacy and Library Instruction, Houston, TX, May 5, 2018.

Willenborg, Amber and T. Eastman. "Making a Mark in the First Year: Initiating and Implementing Large-Scale Projects as a New Librarian." Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table 9, no. 1 (2018): 1-9.

Willenborg, Amber and Terri Holtze. Cooperative Design of Research Modules: How We Did It Right... And Wrong". Designing for Digital Conference. Austin, TX, 2018.

Willenborg, Amber and Tessa Withorn, "Level up Online: Engaging Students with Process-Oriented Learning Content." Kentucky Library Association Library Instruction Roundtable Retreat, Richmond, KY, 2018.