Buie, Delinda, and Kyna Herzinger. "Let’s Hang on to What We’ve Got: A Brief Introduction to Preserving Records in All Formats." Louisville Chapter of ARMA International Meeting. Louisville, KY, 2017.
Buie, Delinda, and Jonathan Jeffrey. "Kentucky and the Great War: Filling and Operating Military Camp Libraries." Kentucky Library Association Conference. Louisville, KY, 2017.
Buttler, Dwayne, and Rachel Howard. "ETDplus: Guidance for Graduate Students’ Research Outputs." Kentucky Library Association Conference. Louisville, KY, 2017.
Cox, Fannie M., "What Is Community Engagement/Outreach? How Can I Use It to Have an Impact on Diversity, Recruitment, and Tenure?" National Conference of African American Librarians Atlanta, GA, 2017.
Detmering, Rob. "Fake News and Information Literacy." Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives Public Library Institute. Louisville, KY, 2017.
Detmering, Rob. "Use U of L Libraries to Sort Fact from Fiction." Courier-Jounal, July 31, 2017.
Detmering, Rob, and Anna Marie Johnson. "Information Wars: The Pedagogy of Conspiracy in the Critical Information Literacy Classroom." Indiana University Information Literacy Colloquium. New Albany, IN, 2017.
Detmering, Rob, and Amber Willenborg. "Research Diy: Enhancing Online Learning through Strategic Planning and Collaborative Professional Development." Kentucky Library Association Conference. Louisville, KY, 2017.
Ertz, Matt. "Scores of Scores: What’s Going on with the Growing Number of Scores on Youtube." Music Library Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2017.
Finley, Sue. "Assessing & Marketing Libraries: Lessons from Business." Southeastern Library Association Conference. Greenbrier, WV, 2017.
Finley, Sue. "Marketing Academic Library Services: Lessons from Business." Kentucky Library Association Spring Conference. Cadiz, Kentucky, 2017.
Fox, Robert E., Jr. "The Academic Library's New Role." Leading in the New Academic Library, edited by Avery C., B. Albitz and D. Zabel. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited / ABC-Clio, 2017.
Fox, Robert E., Jr. "Making the Case: Being Effective in Gaining Financial Resources for Your Academic Library." Southeastern Library Association Conference. White Sulfur Springs, WV, 2017.
Fuselier, Linda, Rob Detmering, and Toccara Porter. "Contextualizing and Scaling up Science Information Literacy in Introductory Biology Laboratories." Science and Technology Libraries 36, no. 2 (2017): 135-52.
Gipson, Tiffney. "Mentoring the Next Generation of Librarians." Midwest Medical Library Association. Ypsilanti, MI, 2017.
Goldberg, Tyler, and Lois Schultz. "Government Documents: A Blessing and a Pain!" Conference of the Special Library Association Kentucky Chapter. Cadiz, KY, 2017.
Herzinger, Kyna. "Outreach Hacks: Lessons on Building a Records Management Educational Program." Kentucky Council on Archives Spring Conference. Louisville, KY, 2017.
Holtze, Terri. "Techniques for Optimizing Reusable Content in Libguides." Code4Lib Southeast. Atlanta, GA, 2017.
Hundley, C. L., R. W. Wilson, John Chenault, and J. L. Smimble. "Is Fringe Banking a Component of Socially Determined Health?". American Journal of Health Studies 32, no. 3 (2017).
Johnson, Anna Marie, and Jennifer Bartlett. "Vanishing Desks, Visible Reference Librarians: A Conversation About Keeping Your Reference Librarians Visible and Engaged in a Changing Service Model." Kentucky Library Association Conference. Cadiz, Kentucky, 2017.
Johnson, Anna Marie, Tyler Goldberg, and Rob Detmering. "Dissertation to Book? A Snapshot of Dissertations Published as Books in 2014 and 2015, Available in Open Access Institutional Repositories." Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 5, no. 1 (2017).
Karani, R., L. Varpio, W. May, T. Horsley, John Chenault, K. H. Miller, and B. O'Brien. "Commentary: Racism and Bias in Health Professions Education: How Educators, Faculty Developers, and Researchers Can Make a Difference." Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 92, no. 11 Supplement (2017): S1-S6.
Keisling, Bruce L. "Collection Change Is Not a Hoax: Using Assessment to Promote Collection Sustainability." Southeastern Library Assessment Conference. Atlanta, GA, 2017.
Keisling, Bruce L., and Claudene Sproles. "Reviewing and Reforming Library Service Points: Lessons in Review and Planning Services, Building Layout, and Organizational Culture." Library Management 38, no. 8/9 (2017): 426-36.
McClellan, Samantha, Rob Detmering, George Martinez, and Anna Marie Johnson. "Raising the Library's Impact Factor: A Case Study in Scholarly Publishing Literacy for Graduate Students." Portal: Libraries and the Academy 17, no. 3 (2017): 543-56.
Owen, Tom, and Sherri Pawson. University of Louisville: Belknap Campus. The Campus History Series. Mt. Pleasant, SC Arcadia Publishing, 2017.
Procell, James, and Matt Ertz. "Books Recently Published." Notes: Journal of the Music Library Association 74, no. 1-4.
Ratledge, David, and Claudene Sproles. "Analysis of the Changing Role of Systems Librarians." Library Hi Tech 35, no. 2 (2017): 301-11.
Reilly, Elizabeth E. "Archives Outreach with a Twist: Organizing an Historic Photo Scavenger Hunt." Society of American Archivists Meeting. Portland, OR, 2017.
Reilly, Elizabeth E. "A Race to Find the Past: Gamifying Historical Photographs with a Scavenger Hunt." Kentucky Council on Archives Meeting. Louisville, KY, 2017.
Robinson, Lauren, and Jessica Petrey. "Designing a Website for a 21st Century Health Science Library." Midwest Chapter Medical Library Association. Ypsilanti, MI, 2017.
Romp, Celeste R., Debbie Brown, Stephanie Eitel, David Houvenagle, Rebecca Morgan, and Autumn Kidd. "Research Louisville Nursing Symposium." Research! Louisville Nursing Research Symposium. Louisville, KY, 2017.
Ruan, Lian, and Weiling Liu. "The Role of Chinese American Librarians in Library and Information Science Diversity." International Journal of Librarianship 2, no. 2 (2017): 18-36.
Sproles, Claudene. "Kentucky Kaleidoscope." Kentucky Libraries 81, no. 1-4 (2017).
Vaughn, Vida. "Where Are We? Providing Information for the Clinical Enterprise." Charleston Conference. Charleston, SC, 2017.
Vaughn, Vida, and Gay Baughman. "Clinical Decision Making for Dental Students: The Outcomes of a Collaborative Evidence-Based Curriculum Designed by Dental Faculty and Health Sciences Librarians." Medical Library Association Conference. Seattle, WA, 2017.
Willenborg, Amber. "Anchoring Online Learning Content in Student Knowledge Practices." ACRL Conference. Baltimore, MD, 2017.
Willenborg, Amber. "Beyond Clip Art: Free Online Tools for Graphic Design in Libraries." Kentucky Libraries 81, no. 1 (2017): 15-20.
Willenborg, Amber. "Marketing with a Message: Working Together to Promote Library Services." Kentucky Library Association Conference. Cadiz, KY, 2017.
Willenborg, Amber, Latisha Reynolds, Samantha McClellan, Betsy Sterner, and Rosalinda Linares. "Library Instruction and Information Literacy 2016." Reference Services Review 45, no. 4 (2017): 596-702.