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Presentations and Publications: 2011

A list of the presentations and publications by faculty and staff of the University of Louisville Libraries

Ashman, Allen. "A Comparison of Doctoral Bibliographies and Students’ Backgrounds." Kentucky Libraries 75, no. 5 (2011): 26-29.

Atlas, Michel. "Pda + Ill -> Circulation ↑." Midwest Chapter MLA Meeting Indianapolis, IN, 2011.

Buttler, Dwayne. "Music, Technology, and Copyright."  Copyright Essentials for Librarians and Educators: Creative Strategies and Practical Solutions, edited by Kenneth D. Crews. Chicago, IL: ALA Editions, 2011.

Chenault, John. "From Citation Management to Knowledge Management: Developing and Implementing Innovative Endnote Training and Support Services on the Health Sciences Campus." Kentucky Libraries 75, no. 1 (2011): 6-11.

Cox, Fannie M. "Engaging the Homeless through Technology and Information Literacy." ‘Creating Tomorrow’s Future Today’ at the 17th Annual Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Conference. Indianapolis, IN, 2011.

Daniels, Caroline. "Our Shared Imperative: Preserving Digital Content " Indiana Online Users Group. Indianapolis, IN, 2011.

Detmering, Rob. "‘Government Gals’ Gone Wild: Gender Politics and the Pawnee Library on Parks and Recreation." National Conference of the Popular Culture and American Culture Associations. San Antonio, TX, 2011.

Detmering, Rob and Anna Marie Johnson. "Focusing on the Thinking, Not the Tools: Incorporating Critical Thinking into an Information Literacy Module for an Introduction to Business Course." Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship 16, no. 2 (2011): 101-107.

Detmering, Rob, Anna Marie Johnson and Claudene Sproles. "Library Instruction and Information Literacy 2010." Reference Services Review 39, no. 4 (2011): 551-627.

Holtze, Terri L. "Communicating with Clarity: Basic Design Principles for Web Sites." Kentucky Library Association Conference. Louisville, KY, 2011.

Howard, Rachel I. "Meeting in the Middle (West): Contentdm for the Rest of Us." Midwest CONTENTdm User Group. Muncie, IN, 2011.

Howard, Rachel I., Amber G. Duke and Terri L. Holtze. "History Meets Technology: Using Omeka to Create Online Exhibits." Kentucky Convergence Conference. Erlanger, KY, 2011.

Howard, Rachel I., Heather Fox and Caroline Daniels. "The Born-Digital Deluge: Documenting Twenty-First Century Events." Archival Issues 33, no. 2 (2011): 100-111.

Howard, Rachel I. and Tyler Goldberg. "Facilitating Greater Access to ETDs through Contentdm." OCLC Systems and Services 27, no. 2 (2011): 113-123.

Johnson, Katherine Burger, Elizabeth M. Smigielski, Rachel I. Howard, Emily Symonds and JN Wilson. "Bringing Health Sciences History to the Digital Arena and a Worldwide Audience." Medical Library Association annual meeting. Indianapolis, IN, 2011.

Laning, Melissa and Neal Nixon. "Does Robin Have More Power Than Batman: The Role of the Middle Manager in the Library Organization." Kentucky Library Association annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2011.

Liu, Weiling. "The Impact of Worldcat Local on the Use of Voyager: An Observation Via Web Server Log Analysis." Ex Libris Users of North America meeting. Milwaukee, WI, 2011.

Mattingly, Virginia. "Twitter for Your Career." Kentucky Library Association annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2011.

Nixon, Neal and Elizabeth M. Smigielski. "Moving Forward by Retreating: Using Annual Staff Retreats to Foster Team Building During Times of Significant Change." Midwest Chapter/Medical Library Association annual meeting. Indianapolis, IN, 2011.

Porter, Toccara. "Online Jigsaw Puzzles: Using Puzzles to Break the Ice in Information Literacy Instruction Sessions." In Let the Games Begin: Engaging Students with Field Tested Interactive Information Literacy Instruction, edited by T. R. McDevitt. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2011.

Reynolds, Latisha, Siobhan E. Smith and Margaret D'Silva. "Chasing Excellence in Research through Collaboration: On the Trail of Elusive Data." Kentucky Communication Association Conference. Cadiz, KY, 2011.

Sherman, Jill. "Acquiring Study Guides at the Academic Health Sciences Library: Encouraging Goodwill at a Very Low Cost." Kentucky Libraries 75, no. 2 (2011): 19-21.

Sproles, Claudene. "Guide to Tax Information." Kentucky Libraries 75, no. 1 (2011): 26-29.

Sproles, Claudene and Angel Clemons. "Recent Trends in Government Documents Librarianship." Kentucky Library Association annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2011.

Symonds, Emily. "From Paper to Pixels: Generation X as Digital Librarian."  In Generation X Librarian: Essays on Leadership, Technology, Pop Culture, Social Responsibility and Professional Identity, edited by Martin K. Wallace, Rebecca Tolley-Stokes and Erik Sean Estep. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2011.

Symonds, Emily. "A Practical Application of Surveymonkey as a Remote Usability-Testing Tool." Library Hi Tech 29, no. 3 (2011): 436-445.

Utterback, Nancy and Tyler Goldberg. "Kindles @ Your Library." Kentucky Library Association annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2011.

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