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LibGuides 2: Training for Authors: Profiles and Help Tool

Profile Box

The Profile box that automatically loads on your LibGuides profile is NOT our preferred profile box. In order to customize and standardize the profile boxes across the site, the webmaster creates a profile box for each person in the Help Modals group.

This customized box is used on the Librarians by Specialty pages, the help modal, and the main subject pages for each subject.

The preferred profile box can be used on any guide you create by:

  • Clicking Add Box
  • Reuse Exisitng Box
  • Click in the Guide dropdown and start typing your name.
  • Choose your name
  • In the Box section choose your name again.
  • Hit Save.

If the preferred profile box has not been created yet, contact Terri Holtze.

Help Modal

When a user clicks on the button on the sidebar, they get help information relevant to that topic guide.

In order for it to bring up your contact info, here's what's needed:

  1. Profile box: a profile box needs to be created in the Help Modal group by Terri. If you don't have one yet, contact her at .
  2. Guide: On the guide's Tags section add your name. (If more than one person is tagged, only the first one the script finds will be listed in the Help Modal. If no librarian is tagged the contact info that shows will be the general contact info for that group, for example the Music Library general contact info for the Music Library group.)



Terri Holtze

Head, Web Services

University Libraries

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