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LibGuides 2: Training for Authors: Creating a New Guide

Creating a New Guide

  1. From the admin bar, choose Content, then Guides.
  2. On the Guides page, click the Create Guide button. 

new guide screen

  1. Choose Layout or Reuse: If you're starting from scratch, leave this box alone. If you'd like to reuse another guide you can these dropdowns to find the guide you'd like to copy.
  2. Guide Name:  required.
  3. Guide Description: recommended.
  4. Guide Type: required.
    1. Library Information Pages: for information about the libraries such as hours, directions, policies, etc.
    2. Course Guide: for guides created for instruction. (NOTE: Guide Names for course guides should always start with the course number followed by the course name, ex. POLS 345: Political Rhetoric.)
    3. Subject Guide: for guides focused on a topic, ex. Finding Scholarly Articles.
    4. Archival Finding Aids: do not use.
    5. Internal Guide: do not use.
    6. Template Guide: do not use.
  5. Group Assignment: required. Choose the appropriate library. (NOTE: when you give the guide a friendly URL the library named in the URL should match the library chosen here.)

Status, URL, Subjects

When you've completed your guide, you'll need to set a few settings.

guide admin screen

Friendly URL:

  • Each guide is given a friendly URL. The URL always starts with followed by the appropriate library and then a unique identifier for the guide. 
  • If there are multiple pages (tabs) in the guide, each page must be given a friendly URL as well.
  • Friendly URLs make it possible for to us track usage statistics by library.


  • If a guide should be listed on a subject guide (those subjects listed on the Subject Guides page), you need to edit the Subjects field on the guide. 


  • Lastly, when the page is ready you can set the status to make it available. 
    • Unpublished: This is the default status for a new guide. It is not viewable by the public and is not included in any subject lists or  searches. 
    • Private: Viewable to the public only if they know the URL. Not included in subject lists or search results.
    • Public: Visible to the public. Listed in subject lists and search results. 
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