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Wellness Guide for Mental Health and Healing: Trauma

A comprehensive virtual book display designed to support your mental well-being, providing valuable information, strategies, and a curated collection of resources for coping, healing, and growth.


cover PTSD
cover image of outlines of two heads looking in opposite directions
abstract cover image on blue background
cover Urban Gun Violence
cover The Courage to Heal
cover Victims No Longer
Women, War, and Violence [2 Volumes]
cover Culture and PTSD
cover Little Book of Trauma Healing


cover The Adverse Childhood Experiences Recovery Workbook
cover The PTSD Behavioral Activation Workbook

Stories of Survival and Healing

cover - song
cover - hope
cover - mango
cover - survivor
cover - milk

Local Resources

Louisville Metro Police Homicide Support Group

LMPD's support group focuses on connecting families who've lost someone to violence and helping them understand the criminal justice system as their loved ones' cases play out. They hold monthly meetings in neighborhoods around Louisville. 

U of L’s PEACC Program

PEACC provides confidential advocacy to students, faculty and staff who have been impacted by interpersonal violence, sexual assault and stalking, in addition to providing prevention education.

The Center for Women and Families, Louisville

The Center for Women and Families provides trauma-informed advocacy and support for individuals, families and communities affected by intimate partner violence and sexual assault. 

Additional Works

For more books, ebooks, and videos concerning trauma resulting from sexual violence, please visit our virtual book display for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

screen shot of libguide


If you need immediate help for a crisis situation related to Partner Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking or Harassment, please call ULPD at 502-852-6111 or a 24 crisis line at (502) 581-7222 to speak with a trained crisis counselor.

What is Trauma?

National Resources

American Psychological Association Trauma Resources

The APA offers a number of articles and podcasts geared toward helping victims of trauma understand the emotions and normal responses that follow a disaster or other traumatic event to help them cope with feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.

US Dept of Veteran Affairs PTSD Center Resources

To advance the clinical care and social welfare of America's Veterans and others who have experienced trauma, the National Center for PTSD provides research, education, and training in the science, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and stress-related disorders.

Veteran's Crisis Line

Immediate support if you or a loved one who is a veteran needs support.

Child Welfare Information Gateway

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Servies offers a list of resources on trauma for caregivers and families.

APA resources for coping with mass shootings, understanding gun violence

News reports about the shootings in communities around the world can cause stress and anxiety for people, leaving them with questions about the causes of and solutions to gun violence. APA offers resources to help those who are suffering distress.

National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline | RAINN
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. Call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.

Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood health centers provide reproductive health care and information about STDs, birth control, abortion, emergency contraception (morning-after pill), and more. Find a health center online or call 1-800-230-PLAN.

1in6 provides information and support for men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences and their loved ones. For 24/7 chat support or information about ongoing chat support groups, visit
Despite its name, provides information that is relevant to people of all genders, not just women. The Email Hotline will provide legal information to anyone who reaches out with legal questions or concerns regarding domestic violence, sexual violence, or any other related topic.


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