You can find additional books about tests by searching WorldCat Local, the UofL Libraries' online catalog. Some subject headings which will be useful are:
You can also seach under the name of a particular test.
To find journal articles, various databases will be appropriate to search, especially those in the fields of education and psychology. Again, you can search under the name of a particular test, or under categories such as:
In most cases you will retrieve reference to articles that describe situations in which the tests have been used, with comments on the reliability and validity. Occaisionally you will find the instrument itself. When using the Health and Psychosocial Instruments database, listed above, articles tagged "Primary Source" will include the instrument. In ETS Testlink, listed above, you can retrieve tests available in journal articles by doing an Advanced Search on your subject or on title words, then seaching that set for the term "Journal" in the Availability field.