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Tests, Scales, Assessments: Locating Tests in ETS Collection

The ETS Test Collection describes over 20,000 tests which reside in the library of the Educational Testing Service.

Tests in Microfiche is a subset of the entire ETS Test Collection. It includes non-commercial research instruments which the authors have agreed to make available through Educational Testing Service. These tests are on microfiche and can be reproduced for educational or research purposes. Most of this microfiche set is available in Current Periodicals & Microforms, Ekstrom Library (2nd floor – call no. 21 LB 23), and the fiche are grouped by a letter and filed by number within the letter grouping.


  1. To search for the ETS Test Collection, click on "All Databases A-Z" on the Libraries webpage. In the alphabetical list find ETS Testlink and click on the link.  (Or use the link on this page.)
  2. Once you’re there, click on  “Search the TestLink”  icon, near the bottom of the page.
  3. Enter search terms.  You can change the field you are searching by clicking on the dropdown box next to “Title Search” and choosing another field.
  4. A list of titles of tests will be displayed.  To choose one, click on the title to see the complete record for that test.
  5. When the complete record is displayed, you need to look at the Availability field to determine where you can find the complete test.  Sometimes, journal articles are cited, or ERIC documents.  Occasionally the author is the only source.  
If a test is available in Tests in Microfiche, that will be stated as
  • Availability--Somewhere in this field it will say “Tests in Microfiche” 
  • Test Acronyms--This field will state TIM followed by a letter. 
  • Call Number--This field will give you the microfiche card number (a 4-6 digit number).  You will need the letter and the number to find the fiche in the Ekstrom Microforms area.

To limit your search in Test Locator Service to only those tests available in Microfiche, from the search screen -

  • From the Search screen, Click on Advanced (just below the blank search box).
  • In the first dropdown box choose the field you want to search for your topic word (e.g., Title Search or Descriptor Search or Abstract). Type your subject word in the far right box and click search.
  • When those results come up, go back to the first dropdown box and choose Availability.  Type microfiche in the far right box and click search.
  • The computer combines the 2 searches so you get the relevant articles that are available in Tests in Microfiche.

An alternate for locating the tests is to use the paper index to the set, also in the Current Periodicals and Microfilm.

Sample Entry from ETS Test Collection database

Sample Entry
highlighting indicates important pieces of the record
Template Test Collection
System key aiwd
Call number TC009428
Purchase Email or Phone 1-609-734-5689
Title Parental Attitudes Toward Mentally Retarded Children Scale.
Author Love, Harold D.
Availability Tests in Microfiche; Test Collection, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ 08541
Year 1967
Test Acronyms TIM(F)
Code 8206
Major Descriptor Children
Major Descriptor Mental Retardation
Major Descriptor Parent Attitudes
Major Descriptor Rating Scales
Minor Descriptor Adults
Minor Descriptor Attitude Measures
Minor Descriptor Likert Scales
Minor Descriptor Parents
Abstract This untimed Likert scale measures parental attitudes toward mentally retarded children in work, community, and school situations.
General notes ITEMS: 30.
C. A. Bulletin  
-Period n/a
-Year 0
Security Level 0
Multi-volume? No


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