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Tests, Scales, Assessments: Basics of Testing

Understanding Testing Instruments

The books in this section provide information about creating measurement instruments, analyzing and interpreting tests, and issues surrounding their use.

  • APA educational psychology handbook
    Ekstrom Library Ref. LB1051 .A618 2011
    Essays on all aspects of educational testing
  • APA handbook of testing and assessment in psychology
    Ekstrom Library Ref. BF176 .A63 2013
    V. 1. Test theory and testing and assessment in industrial and organizational psychology. V. 2. Testing and assessment in clinical and counseling psychology. V. 3. Testing and assessment in school psychology and education.
  • Assessment Debate: A reference handbook
    Ekstrom Library LB 3051 .S66 2001
    A collection of essays providing an introduction and overview of the topic, a brief chronology of assessment movements since 1880, coverage of the standards movement, and chapters listing selected resources and organizations supporting performance assessment. Two appendices list state coordinators for testing reform and state-by-state reports on assessment.
  • Assessment in Early Childhood Education
    Ekstrom Library LB3060.217 .W67 2012
    Written for preschool and primary school teachers involved in preparing for, administering, interpreting, and moving forward with the results of informal and standardized testing.
  • Handbook of psychological assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment
    Ekstrom Library Ref. RC 454 .H352 2008
    Two volumes, one for adults and the other for adolescents and children.
  • Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
    Ekstrom Library Ref. RC 454 .H352 2008
    Two volumes, one for adults and the other for adolescents and children.
  • Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
    Ekstrom Library Ref. LB 3051 .A693 1999
    Published by the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education, the Standards "promote the sound and ethical use of tests and provide a basis for evaluating the quality of testing practices." Part I contains standards for validity; reliability and errors of measurement; test development and revision; scaling norming and score comparability; test administration, scoring and reporting; and supporting documentation for tests. Part II contains standards on fairness and bias; the rights and responsibilities of test takeers; testing individuals of diverse linguistic backgrounds; and testing individuals with disabilities. Part III contains standards involving general responsibilties of test users; psychological testing and assessment; educatinoal testing and assessment; testing in employment and credentialling; and testing in program evaluation and public policy. The text offers introductory material at the beginning of each chapter, and an index glossary of terms.
  • Test Critiques (vols. 1-10)
    Ekstrom Library Ref. BF 176 .B418
    Detailed descriptions on application, administration, scoring interpretation, reliability, validity and an overall critique. Bibliographic references are also included. Focus is on tests in psychology, education, and business, and the set is to be used in conjunction with Tests.
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