Citing your data source is as important as citing your other sources. Currently, there are not any standards for data citation, and most style guides do not contain guidelines for citing data. Some individual data repositories provide their own guidelines, like the Inter-Consortium for Political Science Research and the Roper Center.
There are numerous short-term benefits for making your data citable, including:
For more on data citation and linking, please refer to the Resources & References box to the left.
The elements listed here are meant to be recommendations rather than prescriptive. When in doubt, see if the repository from which you obtained the data has its own guidelines.
These are some resources/guides for citing data. These are not prescriptive, as there are not yet any standards for data citation.
1 Ball, A., Duke, M. (2012). ‘Data Citation and Linking’. DCC Briefing Papers. Edinburgh: Digital Curation Centre.