As stated in the course syllabus, EDTP 506: Public Schools in America "is designed to examine the historical, sociological and philosophical foundations of education with a particular attention to issues of equity in public education. This course will also contextualize the foundation of education within the current education environment and issues at the national, state, and local levels."
This LibGuide intends to support that purpose by providing in one place a variety of relevant and scholarly resources available to the UofL community. The resources within this guide may be most useful for the completion of the I-Search paper and presentation but can also be applicable for broader education-related research.
For this course, candidates will prepare:
The I-Search paper is also to be "a serous inquiry... into any topic of personal and professional importance." It must include:
Uncovering Racial Logics: Louisville Education
Uncovering Racial Logics: Louisville's History of Racial Oppression and Activism is a website created by our Archives and Special Collections that provides resources for people interested in researching or learning more about Louisville’s history of racial activism, segregation, and oppression, specifically in the areas of education, policing, and housing.
It's section on education gives a comprehensive overview of education in Louisville and expertly weaves published scholarship with archival ephemera.