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EDTP 506: Public Schools in America (Green): Pre-Search

A compilation of resources that may be useful to students in the EDTP 506 course

Do It Yourself Research Tutorials

University Libraries has developed a series of quick, do-it-yourself tutorials designed to guide researchers through every stage of the research process, from starting an assignment to searching databases, from finding sources to writing the paper itself. Graduate students and faculty may also be interested in the exploring more advanced research tutorials on the Productive Researcher site.

Generating Keywords

Boolean Operators

Generating Keywords - Activity


  1. Add your search topic or question to the Padlet wall by clicking the above graphic.
  2. Take a moment to think of additional keywords within your question or topic.
  3. Enter them in the comments below your initial question.
  4. Brainstorm and comment additional keywords for your classmates to consider.


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