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CJ 496: International Crime (Block): Journal Article

Your Source: Journal Article

The Flesh Trade in Europe: Trafficking in Women and Children for the Purpose of Commercial Sexual Exploitation.

Melrose, M., & Barrett, D. (2006). The Flesh Trade in Europe: Trafficking in Women and Children for the Purpose of Commercial Sexual Exploitation. Police Practice & Research, 7(2), 111-123. doi:10.1080/15614260600676775

Questions to Address in Evaluating your Source

Open the pdf of the article and read the abstract and first paragraph of the article. Scroll through the article to look at the layout and respond to the following questions with your group: 

  1. What leads you to believe the article is scholarly? Name and explain at least 3 characteristics that help you identify the article as scholarly.

  2. Search the title of this article using Google Scholar. How many people cited this article? What is the importance of this and how can it benefit your own research?

  3. What are the key issues being addressed in the article? Use the abstract and the bold headings throughout the article to respond to this question. How does it address trafficking of women? 

  4. What else might you want to research in relation to this article to get a more well-rounded view of the topic? Consider information missing in this article or information referenced in this article but not cited. 

How your Source was Located

Your source was located using the database Criminal Justice Abstracts, located in your CJ 496 Research Guide.

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