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ORCID: Your ORCID Record

Your ORCID Record Includes Your...

  • Names

  • Biography

  • Employment

  • Education and Qualifications

  • Professional Activities

  • Funding

  • Works

  • Emails, Websites, Social Media, Other Research IDs

  • Keywords


You can adjust the visibility of your record and its elements (e.g., you can allow anyone to view your works but not your email address).

Peer Reviews in ORCID

Peer review contributions can appear in an ORCID record. However, they cannot be added by individual researchers. A trusted organization (typically the journal publisher) must submit this information to ORCID.

Professional Activities Include...

Memberships in associations, societies, industry organizations, etc.

Service to organizations and communities, such as...

  • Society officer
  • Elected board position
  • Expert panel member
  • Editorial board member
  • Study group member
  • Conference organizer
  • Committee work
  • etc.

Invited Positions, such as honorary fellowships, guest researcher positions, visiting lectureships, etc.

Distinctions, such as awards, prizes, and honorary degrees.

Works Include...

  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
  • Book Chapters
  • Dissertations/Theses
  • Conference Materials
  • Online Resources
  • Preprints
  • Patents
  • Software
  • Datasets and DMSPs
  • Lectures and Speeches
  • ...and just about anything else!