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ORCID: Adding Works

Bulk Import

Option 1: Search & Link (Recommended)

Scopus is the best search & link wizard for U.S.-based health sciences researchers. In addition to journals, it includes some books and conferences. (Note: UofL does not have access to the full Scopus database, but Scopus access is not required to use the Search & link wizard.)


Once you authorize Scopus to access your ORCID account, a list of potential matching Scopus profiles will appear.


Be sure to select all Scopus profiles that apply to you. It's common to have multiple Scopus profiles for different institutions and/or variations of your name.


You will then be shown a list of publications associated with those Scopus profiles. You can exclude any misattributed to duplicate publications here to save time in ORCID.


Once you review your publications and confirm any changes to your Scopus profile, you can send your publications to ORCID. Use your UofL email associated with your ORCID account. 


Lastly, be sure to click "send my publication list" to grant Scopus permission to send the list.


When you return to ORCID, the publications in your Scopus profile will appear in your Works section.


Option 2: BibTeX File

If you keep an EndNote or Zotero library of your publications, you can export the library as a BibTeX file and upload that to your works section.


Google Scholar also enables BibTeX exports. If your Google Scholar profile is in good shape, you can export the information from there to upload.

Import Individual Works

Not all works (especially works that aren't journal articles) will be captured by Scopus, or you may want to add one or two recent publications to your profile.


There are three options for adding individual works to an ORCID record:

  • by DOI
  • by PMID
  • Manually


If your work has a DOI or PMID, this is the easiest way to add your work. Otherwise, you can manually enter the information (which will be necessary for many conference materials, lectures, etc.).

Managing Your Works

Edit Works

Only manually added works can be edited. Click the pencil icon to the right of the work's title to do so.


Change Work Visibility

By default, the works you add are visible to everyone. Use the drop-down menu next to the work's title if you want to make the work private or visible only to trusted parties.


Manage Duplicate Works

There are two options to manage duplicate records:


1. Combine the records. To do this, select the duplicate works. Then, use the actions tab at the top of the Works section and select "Combine works."


2. Delete extra copies of works. To do this, use the trashcan icon at the bottom right of the extra work, or select the duplicate work(s) and use the Actions tab.

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