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Water Resources Law & Policy (LAW 389, Arnold): Water Institutions

Research guide to support Water Resources Law & Policy coursework

What are you looking for?

The institutions (laws, rules, norms, plans, policies, management systems, and governance systems) that govern your selected water system in your selected city or urban area, including the following:

  • Federal statutes & regulations
  • Federal programs, plans, & guidance documents
  • State statutes & regulations (i.e., for the state(s) governing the urban area that you’re studying – multiple states if your urban area crosses state boundaries, such as KY & IN, or KY & OH)
  • State programs, plans, & guidance documents
  • Local ordinances & regulations (i.e., the cities, counties, & other governmental entities in the urban area that you’re studying)
  • Local programs, plans, & guidance documents
  • Regional or watershed-based governance documents
  • Water-organization documents (e.g., bylaws of water supply agency)
  • Overviews of laws, rules, & governance systems
  • Indicia of less-formal policies, plans, & norms that govern urban water


Where to look?

Use the following resources:

  • Sources that describe the urban water system that you’re studying may also describe or summarize the relevant water institutions
    • Note: Start with your research on the urban water system first
  • Adler article assigned in this class
  • Law treatises, hornbooks, nutshells, practice guides, or other materials that summarize legal frameworks & rules
  • The websites of the federal, state, regional, & local government agencies with responsibilities for implementing the laws, management systems, or governance systems that apply to your urban water system
  • Law review articles available in law databases or Google Scholar (many law journals and/or professors maintain their own accessible documents online)
    • Note: Try to use articles written in the past 5-10 years
  • General internet search using narrow search terms
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