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Water Resources Law & Policy (LAW 389, Arnold): Systems Analysis

Research guide to support Water Resources Law & Policy coursework


Use & cite the LoPucki article on The Systems Approach to Law, which is assigned in this course.

Use & cite some of the following assigned articles, according to which interdisciplinary method of systems analysis that you use:

  • Framing/Reframing: Arnold
  • Community Participation: Phuong; Butler et al.
  • Social-Ecological Resilience and Institutional Change: Arnold et al.; Gunderson
  • Environmental Justice: Butler et al.; Yarnal
  • Social-Ecological Resilience and Vulnerability: Gunderson; Yarnal; Arnold et al.

You might find other scholarly articles using one of these methods of analysis that will be useful to your own analysis. While you may cite more than these articles, at a minimum, you should use and cite at least the assigned article(s) listed for the interdisciplinary method of systems analysis that you use.