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Law Library: Catalog

Resources available through the University of Louisville School of Law Library

UofL Law Library Catalog

UofL Libraries Catalog

WorldCat Discovery

The Law Library uses a catalog system from OCLC called WorldCat Discovery. Our catalog includes records from libraries all over the country, so you can choose to search for items at the Law Library, across the University of Louisville campus, or globally.

So much information is available in WorldCat Discovery, that finding a single relevant item may be difficult. There are several search options that produce more precise results. The advanced search option allows you to create a complex search. You can also create structured searches by using Boolean operators, truncation, or searching for specific types of data.

Search Tips

  • Use the filter options in the column on the left of the results page to narrow down a general search.
  • Click on a title in the search results page to see extra information about the material.
  • To find an item on the shelf, note the call number or shelf range under Holdings.
  • See the Description for complete information about the item such as publication, holding, or item notes.
  • Click Editions & Formats to see previous editions and other formats (for example, print or microfilm).

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators combine or exclude search terms to create a more precise search.

  • AND : searches for both terms
  • OR : searches for either term
  • NOT : excludes results containing the specified term

Wildcards & Truncation

Wildcards and truncation symbols allow you to search for multiple variations of a word.

  • # replaces 1 character in a search term.
    • For example, wom#n = woman, women
  • ? replaces from 0 to 9 characters in a search term.
    • For example, labo?r = labor, labour
  • * replaces any number of characters at the end of a search term.
    • For example, sentenc* = sentence, sentences, sentencing, sentenced, etc.

Searchable Data

Searching for a particular type of data produces more specific results. Some of these search options are available in advanced search, but there are additional options available by placing an abbreviation for the data type in front of your search term. For example, searching for ti:Bluebook produces only results that have the word Bluebook in the title field.

Searchable data:
Abbreviation Data type
ti: title
au: author
kw: keyword
se: series
pb: publisher
yr: year
nu: call number
lc: Library of Congress classification number

To search for particular types of materials, enter the abbreviation for the material type with an additional search term. For example, research AND mt=bks

Material types:
Abbreviation Material type
mt=bks books
mt=mic microform
mt=url online
mt=vid dvd, video

Library of Congress Classification

The Law Library uses the Library of Congress classification scheme to organize materials. Understanding how materials are classified makes it easier to browse the shelves.

K is the classification for legal materials, and the majority of resources held by the library are shelved under K. Other classifications also appear in the Law Library, such as social sciences materials shelved under H.

The K classification breaks down into the following subclasses:

  • K : Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence
  • KB : Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence
  • KBM : Jewish law
  • KBP : Islamic law
  • KBR : History of canon law
  • KBU : Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See
  • KD - KDK : United Kingdom and Ireland
  • KDZ : America. North America
  • KE : Canada
  • KF : United States
  • KG : Latin America - Mexico and Central America - West Indies. Caribbean area
  • KH : South America
  • KJ - KKZ : Europe
  • KL - KWX : Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica  
  • KZ : Law of nations
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