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Law Library Home Page: Catalog

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Using the Catalog

The Law Library has a separate catalog from the rest of the University Libraries. Please ensure you search the correct collection.

To find an item on the shelf, note the call number or shelf range under Holdings.

Clicking a specific title provides extra information. This includes a Description with complete information about the item such as publication, holding, or item notes.

Search Tips

  • Select a title and choose 'Editions & Formats' to see all the editions held by the library.
  • Select 'Editions & Formats' to see if a title is available in an alternate format, such as a print version of a title on microfilm..
  • Use the advanced search option to build precise searches.
  • To limit your search to books only, preface your search terms with mt=bks.
  • To search by title (ti:), author (au:), keyword (kw:), year (yr:), series (se:), subject (su:), or call number (nu:) enter the appropriate abbreviation before your search term. (For example, to search for books with the word torts in the title enter: mt=bks ti:torts.)
  • To filter the results of a general search choose the relevant filter options in the column on the left of the results page.

Find out more about searching the catalog at:

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