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Law Library Home Page: About the Library

Main Landing Page for Law Library


The Law Library is a major resource for legal information. We serve the university community, the practicing bar, and the general public. With only a few exceptions, the services and facilities of the Law Library are available to all on an equal basis. Our primary mission is to support the curriculum and research needs of faculty and students at the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law. This mission motivates the adoption of policies and procedures as well as the provision of materials, equipment, and services.

Anyone may use the facilities, either to consult legal materials or as a place of quiet study. Because of availability and demand, much of the Law Library’s collection does not circulate. Any resident of Louisville may check out materials that circulate, commensurate with circulation policies and procedures.

Front Desk

The front desk is always staffed when the library is open. You may borrow materials, find assistance in accessing library materials, or speak to a librarian about reference questions at the front desk.

Please note: Library personnel must be careful not to interpret the law or engage in the unauthorized practice of law, but are available to help patrons locate and use the library’s resources.


UofL students, faculty, staff, and community borrowers may borrow circulating materials for up to 28 days. Community borrowers must be Kentucky residents over 18 years of age with a valid driver's license or other state-issued photo id. Many items in the library may not be borrowed. Materials on reserve may only be borrowed for 4 hours for use within the library.


UofL law students may use the computer lab on the first floor of the library.

Two public computers are located in the first floor reading room. An additional public computer is located in the basement for access to the library's online catalog.


Public printing is not available.

UofL students, faculty, and staff can upload a file to print from a personal device by visiting Once the file is uploaded to your Print Central dashboard, you can print from the Canon printer in the first floor reading room. Printing costs 10 cents per page and must be paid for with cash on a Cardinal Card.

Photocopiers & Scanners

UofL students, faculty, and staff can login to the Canon printer in the first floor reading room to create photocopies or scan documents to send to email.

There are two additional scanners attached to public computers in the first floor reading room. Scanning from these machines is free and available to the public.

Access & Visitor Parking

The Law Library is open to the public and is near TARC bus stops. Visitors who drive to campus can find parking information on the University's parking website.


The University's Information Technology website provides information for visitors about connecting to wi-fi (ulvisitor).

UofL students, faculty, and staff should connect to Eduroam or ULsecure wi-fi networks following the directions on the University's Information Technology website.

For more details about these or other library resources, see the Law Library User’s Manual or contact the Law Library.

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