You can generate citations in a variety of styles in Zotero. Right click on the reference then go to Create Bibliography from Item.
Select the citation style you want to use. You can find more citations styles by going to Manage Styles... at the bottom of the box.
For Output Mode > select Bibliography. For Output Method > select Copy to Clipboard.
Now you can paste the full citation into a document.
You can add in-text and bibliography citations while you write in Word.
If you have Microsoft Word downloaded on your device, your Zotero download files will automatically add a Zotero tab in Word.
Go to Document Preferences > choose the citation style you want to use. For a full list of citation styles, go to Manage Styles... > Get additional styles... at the bottom of the citation list box.
To add an in-text citation, click on Add/Edit Citation button.
In the pop-up search bar, type a keyword or an author's name and select the reference. You can add multiple in-text citations. Then press the Enter key on your keyboard.
You should now see an in-text citation on your Word doc.
To add a bibliography of all your in-text citations, click the Add/Edit Bibliography button.
At any point, you can go back to Document Preferences > choose a different style and your citations will automatically switch to the new style!