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Add References with the Browser Extension

Go to the browser extension settings in your preferred browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.) and add Zotero. There should be a Z icon in the top right corner of the browser. 

Now, when you are in a library database or on a webpage, the Z icon will change to a resource icon (i.e., article, book, webpage, etc.) 

ScienceDirect article with Save to Zotero Chrome extension highlighted at the top.

Make sure the Zotero desktop application is open. Open My Library in Zotero or a specific folder to set where you want your saved references to go. 

Click on the resource icon to save to Zotero. There will be a drop down menu to change which folder you want to save your references to. 

You can now find the reference in your Zotero library! Often times, the PDF of journal articles will automatically be attached. 

If you are on the search results page of a database, there will be a folder resource icon. 

ScienceDirect search results page with an arrow pointing to the folder icon Save to Zotero.

Click on the folder icon and there will be a Zotero Item Selector pop-up window. Select all or check the box next to the items you want to add. If you want to add more items at the same time, look for options in the database to view more items on the results list. 

Zotero Item Selector pop-up with a check mark next to the first five articles.

Add References with an Export File

You can also add references to your Zotero library by downloading an export file, usually a .ris file.

Each database will look a little different, but generally you can check the box next to any article you want to add, then click on buttons for Export, Cite, Citation Manager, etc. and choose the option to export citations to RIS or Zotero.

For any EBSCO database, click on the folder icon next to each article you want to add, then go to the Folder option in the menu at the top right of your browser. Then you can select all or check the box next to articles you want to export, then click on the Export button on the right. 

EBSCO Academic Search Premier with an arrow pointing to the folder menu option in the top right.

If you are using the Google Chrome extension, there may be a pop-up to import the file directly into Zotero.

If not, open your Zotero library, then go to File > Import. 

Choose A file > then Next. 

Select and open the .ris file you just downloaded from your Downloads folder. 

You can uncheck the box for "Place imported collections and items into new collection" unless you want to add your imported citations to a new folder.

Add References Manually

You can also add references manually in Zotero. This might be helpful for less common references such as book chapters, conference proceedings, and theses. 

Go to My Library in the menu on the left. 

At the top, click on the green plus icon for New Item > choose the type of reference you want to add. Click on More at the bottom for a full list of reference types. 

Add reference section of Zotero desktop app.

Add information for the reference in the panel on the right. Note: To add multiple authors, click on the plus button next to the first author field. If the article has a digital object identifier (DOI), be sure to add this so you can use the Find Available PDF option to automatically attach the full text. 

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