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Research Assistance & Instruction

Library Instruction

Information literacy instruction supports student success with research by teaching undergraduate and graduate students how to find high-quality sources and critically evaluate information. Librarians tailor instruction to the goals and objectives of your course and assignment. We can work with your class in-person in the library’s instruction labs, in your classroom, or online.

Contact Amber Willenborg with questions about library instruction.

Online Learning

Librarians have created videos, infographics, and tutorials covering a range of research and information literacy topics that you can include in your course to support your students.

Not finding what you’re looking for? We can work with you to create custom online learning content on a research or information literacy topic relevant to your course.

Contact Amber Willenborg with questions about online teaching tools.

Affordable Learning

Open Educational Resources (OER) are educational materials (e.g. textbooks, exams, and videos) freely available for teachers and students to use, adapt, share, and reuse. Librarians can help make your course more affordable for students by assisting you in finding appropriate and relevant OER.

Contact Lidiya Grote with questions open educational resources.

Engaged Learning

Engaged learning equips students to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to real world scenarios, promoting career readiness and democratic citizenship. Librarians support engaged learning efforts across the university by providing research consultations, facilitating business and community partnerships, and promoting critical reflection in engaged learning experiences.

Contact Alexandra Howard for a consultation on how the library can support your engaged learning efforts or help you develop an engaged learning opportunity in your course.

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