The Engaged Learning Committee in University Libraries, established in 2022, is tasked with evaluating and enhancing library support for university engaged learning initiatives. A 2023 needs assessment identified several High Impact Practices designated as engaged learning at the University of Louisville, such as capstone projects, diversity/global learning, internships, undergraduate research, and service/community-based learning. The committee found that library engagement with these areas varied. To coordinate and expand library support, the committee is developing a suite of evidence-based, high-impact engaged learning services designed to equip students with valuable research skills and real-world experiences that support successful civic engagement, career development, and lifelong learning.
University Libraries is working to support CBL classes in the following ways:
University Libraries supporting undergraduate research in the classroom is well-documented. University Libraries can also support undergraduate research outside of the classroom in a variety of ways:
Our signature engaged learning event, BEATS (Business, Equity, Arts, Technology, Science) Week, is an annual week-long event series that connects local underrepresented entrepreneurs (minority business owners, students, creatives) with research, resources, and community. Our aim is to:
Interested in collaborating with the Libraries on an engaged learning experience? Please contact Alexandra Howard, Engaged Learning Coordinator: alexandra.howard.1
Manages university engaged learning experiences through the CARDS Excel program.
Provides resources to faculty on developing Community-Based Learning (CBL) classes and coordinates the university's Signature Partnership Initiative.
Alexandra Howard - Business & Entrepreneurship Librarian, Chair
Gina Genova - Clinical Librarian, Health Sciences
Courtney Stine - Director, Bridwell Art Library
Tessa Withorn - Science Librarian