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Engaged Learning: Home

Education beyond the classroom with people of various backgrounds tending a garden.

The Engaged Learning Committee in University Libraries, established in 2022, is tasked with evaluating and enhancing library support for university engaged learning initiatives. A 2023 needs assessment identified several High Impact Practices designated as engaged learning at the University of Louisville, such as capstone projects, diversity/global learning, internships, undergraduate research, and service/community-based learning. The committee found that library engagement with these areas varied. To coordinate and expand library support, the committee is developing a suite of evidence-based, high-impact engaged learning services designed to equip students with valuable research skills and real-world experiences that support successful civic engagement, career development, and lifelong learning.

Community-Based Learning

University Libraries is working to support CBL classes in the following ways: 

  • Providing information literacy and research support to students participating in internships, co-ops, capstones, independent studies, and community-based projects through research consultations, instruction sessions, and online tutorials.
  • Consulting with faculty to develop and enhance undergraduate research in community-based learning projects.
  • In development: Critical Cultural Literacy Toolkit for Community-Based Learning, grant funded through Purdue University's Institute for Information Literacy

Undergraduate Research

University Libraries supporting undergraduate research in the classroom is well-documented. University Libraries can also support undergraduate research outside of the classroom in a variety of ways: 

Engaged Programming

BEATS Week logo

Our signature engaged learning event, BEATS (Business, Equity, Arts, Technology, Science) Week, is an annual week-long event series that connects local underrepresented entrepreneurs (minority business owners, students, creatives) with research, resources, and community. Our aim is to:

  • Develop partnerships that break down silos in Louisville's entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  • Strengthen resource and information sharing between the university and local communities.
  • Provide real-world learning experiences outside of the classroom that promote civic engagement and career development.
  • Support the success of local businesses.

Collaborate With Us

Interested in collaborating with the Libraries on an engaged learning experience? Please contact Alexandra Howard, Engaged Learning Coordinator:

Check Out Engaged Learning Library Books

Community-Based Learning and Social Movements Book Cover
The Student Companion to Community Engaged Learning Book Cover
Classroom Action Book Cover
The Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching Book Cover
Key practices for fostering engaged learning book cover
Undergraduate research and the academic librarian book cover

Campus Resources

Center For Engaged Learning

Manages university engaged learning experiences through the CARDS Excel program

Office of Community Engagement

Provides resources to faculty on developing Community-Based Learning (CBL) classes and coordinates the university's Signature Partnership Initiative

Meet Our Committee

University Libraries Engaged Learning Committee Members:

Alexandra Howard - Business & Entrepreneurship Librarian, Chair

Gina Genova - Clinical Librarian, Health Sciences

Courtney Stine - Director, Bridwell Art Library 

Tessa Withorn - Science Librarian

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