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Library Research Resources for Online Courses: Accessing Library Resources

Databases & Subject Guides

Library databases provide students access to scholarly articles, news, magazines, primary sources, e-books, images and more. Explore the library's full list of databases here and use the All Database Types drop-down to select the type of resource you're looking for.

Subject guides curate the very best library resources for a given subject area. Just choose your subject to view Recommended Databases and relevant Research Guides in your discipline. We encourage you to add a link to the appropriate subject guide in Blackboard to give students quick access to research resources.

Linking to Library Resources in Blackboard

Within library databases, permalinks allow you to give students direct access to research resources like scholarly articles. Instead of copying the URL from the address bar in a web browser, look for a link within the webpage called Permalink, Stable URL, Document URL, or similar. (See images below to view permalinks in EBSCO and ProQuest.)

ebsco permalink      proquest document url

Contact your Liaison Librarian if you have any questions about linking to library resources within Blackboard.

Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery

If you or your students need access to articles, book chapters, or physical items that the library does not own, Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery allows you to request a copy or an item from another library. 

Contact the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery staff for your library if you have questions about this service.

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