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Library Research Resources for Online Courses: Home

Library Research Resources for Online Courses

As you prepare to teach an online course, use this guide for information on incorporating library research resources and services into an online environment. Choose from the options below to learn more, or navigate using the tabs above.

  • Accessing Library Resources: Many of the library's best research resources are already online. Learn how to provide your students access to these resources, link to articles in Blackboard, and access books and articles that the library does not own.

  • Research Assistance: Librarians are available for quick assistance via chat and in-depth research consultations via Blackboard, Zoom, and more. We also have ready-made research resources like videos and infographics to get your students started with research.

  • Information Literacy InstructionLibrarians can work with your students in real time via Blackboard Collaborate, Zoom, or other tools, just like an in-person library instruction session. We can also create custom asynchronous videos or interactive tutorials tailored to your class.



Amber Willenborg

Assistant Head, Instructional Services & Student Success

Ekstrom Library

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