University of Louisville is a member of ICPSR. Please contact Lidiya Grote if you have any questions about finding, accessing and depositing data in ICPSR.
Provides quick facts & easy stats based on the Current Population Survey, American Community Survey, and other Census-produced data. Use American FactFinder for other Census data sources. primarily hosts federal government data, but will also contain details of data from local, state, and tribal governments that allows such data to also be discoverable. Contains data on a variety of subjects and is searchable by subject.
Provided by the Population Reference Bureau, DataFinder allows you to search for data by hundreds of indicators and locations. US data is from the decennial census, American Community Survey, and other population estimates. International data is from other PRB data sources.
Dataverse is a web application that allows people to share, explore, and analyze research data. Search for data by keyword, subject, author name, and more.
Provides several microdata series related to demographic data. Includes the decennial census, American Community Survey, Current Population Survey, international data, and other MPC projects.
Collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the CE collects data on the purchasing habits of American consumers, including income, expenditures, and other characteristics.
Provided by the National Center for Education Statistics, this study collects data from a sample of 1988 8th graders and throughout the years as well as on their teachers, parents, and school administrators. Includes data on school and home experiences, demographic characteristics, and other relevant information.
The SIPP gathers data on economic well-being, education, health insurance, childcare, family relationships, assets, and more, and measures how these variables change over time.