This page provides a few essential statistical resources for each topic. To find a more extensive list of resources, please use a drop-down menu and select a page that closely corresponds to your issue.
Annual, national statistical database on public elementary and secondary schools as well as school districts. Data designed to be comparable across states and includes data on students and staff; fiscal data; and more.
Access survey data, summary tables, statistical tables, data trends, and more related to US universities, colleagues, and technical and vocational institutions.
"The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program has been the starting place for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation." primarily hosts federal government data, but will also contain details of data from local, state, and tribal governments that allows such data to also be discoverable. Contains data on a variety of subjects and is searchable by subject.
The CDC provides information, statistics, and educational materials for patients and families on topics such as diabetes, heart disease, vaccines, and more.
Collects international survey data about social and political attitudes as well as economic well-being. Has been collecting such data for more than 80 years.
Set of data from the 1985+ American Housing Survey that categorizes housing units by income, accounting for adjusted median income, fair market rent, and poverty income.