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BUS 301: Business Communication: Citing Sources

Citations for Database Materials

Many databases include links showing how to cite individual resources using the American Psychological Association (APA) style. These links are usually marked by icons at the top or right side of the web pages, as in these examples from Business Source Premier and ABI/INFORM:


Business Source Premiere example



ABI Inform example


While the database links usually contain all the details that are needed, you should double-check the accuracy of the format by referring to an APA style manual such as Purdue University's OWL.

When in doubt, it is recommended that you contact one of the University of Louisville's College of Business BizComm Coaches.



Citation Management Software Programs

If you are creating and organizing fewer than fifty sources, UofL Libraries suggests using free web citation creation programs such as Noodletools Express, Easybib, or BibMe. For more intense research, UofL has site licenses for EndNote, Reference Manager, and EndNoteWeb, which are generally used by graduate students and faculty. See the Beginning EndNote guide for more information.

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