Marion, Stephon
McCulloch, Nell
McCullough, George
McDonald, Robert Karl
McFarland, Elsa
McGee, Joe
McIntosh, Helen
McKenzie, Carl
McMullen, Pat
McWhorter, George
Margo, Boris
Marquette, Harold R. Jr
Marsh, Tom and Ginny
Marx, Margie
Mayo, Elizabeth
Mead, Roderick
Merida, Frederick
Mersfelden, Janice and Rollie
Mies, Carl and Maridan
Miholog, Doug
Milbrath, Harold
Miller, Betty
Miller, Christine
Miller, Katie
Minish, Virginia
Mitchell, Charles
Mohr, Fredi
Mominee, Terry
Montz, Hiram
Moore, Joe
Morgan, Maureen
Morgan, Sloan
Morgan, Will
Mueller, Patti
Munz, Edna
Myers, Rodney