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Nelle Peterson (1906-1966) Christmas Card Collection: C

The Art Library’s Original Christmas Card collection began in 1967 when Margaret Bridwell purchased at auction 550 cards collected by Louisville artist Nelle Peterson. Most of the cards were made by local artists.

Ca - Ch

Cairnes, Kitty
Cambio, Pria
Carnahan, Bruce
Carner, Bill
Carnes, A. Burton
Carroll, Orville
Castro, Michelle Fuelner
Chamberlain, Virgina
Chambers, Henry and Alta
Chan, Ying Kit
Chandler, Suzanne
Cheap, Barbara
Cherry, Paul
Chisholm, Merle
Chodkowski, Henry
Christensen, Helga
Christensen, Martha
Christensen, Ronald

Ci - Coq

Citron, Minna
Clark, Kathryn and Howard
Clifford, Christina Coke
Coates, Anne
Cody, Cathy
Cogswell, Jean P.
Collier, Lisa
Conrad, B.
Cooper, Helen W.
Cosgrove, Margie Parker
Coxe, G.C.
Covi, Dario and Madeline

Cor - Cz

Crone, Gay
Crosson, Dorothy
Cummings, Flora
Cummings, Louise
Cundiff, Margaret
Currier, Mary Ann
Currier, Nancy

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