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Nelle Peterson (1906-1966) Christmas Card Collection: H

The Art Library’s Original Christmas Card collection began in 1967 when Margaret Bridwell purchased at auction 550 cards collected by Louisville artist Nelle Peterson. Most of the cards were made by local artists.


Halbrooks, Darryl
Haldeman, Anne B. and Louise Leland
Hall, Laura
Hambaugh, Pat
Hammer, Victor
Hanna, Mildred and Horace
Hardaway, Doris
Hardy, Kay
Harmon, Ben
Harper, Charles
Harris, Harvey
Harris, Jane
Hartford, Jane

He - Hoe

Heard, Joe and Nancy
Heiser, Dorothy
Hembahl, Ann
Hendershot, Betsy
Henning, Julia
Henry, Martha
Hertz, Billy
Herzer, Edward L.
Hess, Patrick
Hewitt, Ainslie
Hicks, Yin Rei
Hipple, Marietta
Hirn, Clare
Hirooks, Miye
Hockaday, Betty
Hodapp, Dorothy

Hof - Hz

Hoffman, Dale
Hoffman, Lucy
Hollenbach, Martha
Hooker, Ingrid
Hoon, Todd
Hortenstine, Virgie B.
Howard, Jean
Howard, Jonas
Hower, Bob
Howerton, Jean
Hu, Shannon
Huffman, Delores
Hyomon, Enokido

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