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Louisville Music Publications of the 19th Century: Q-R

By Composer: Q - R


Quidant, A.
Etude-Gallop, as performed by Alfred Jaell. Grande etude galop. --
Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Cragg & Co. ; New York,
Wm. Hall & Son ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber ; Detroit, H.D. Sofge.
9 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 2281-9.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Galops.
Shelf no.: v.115, p.353.

Quinn, Beatrice Mary.
La Rose unique, polka. -- Louisville : Charles J. Kent, 1856.
34 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Coles, engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: To Miss Emily Ward.
Shelf no.: LP.


R., G. W.
Happy may you ever be, polka. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.70 Main
St., 1866.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1445-4.
Illustrations: cover lithograph printed on tint.
Lithographer/Engraver: Major & Knapp, lith. cover ; J. Slinglandt, engr.,
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: R., G. W.
Arranger: S., L. N.
First line: May your barque of life glide gently now.
Notes: To Miss V. McNairy, of Nashville, Tenn.
Shelf no.: v.88, p.1 ; v.94, p.133.

Ransford, Edwin.
Come gang awa' wi' me, ballad. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ;
Cincinnati, Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
4 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 253-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads. Scotch songs.
Lyricist: Ransford, Edwin.
First line: Oh! come my love.
Shelf no.: v.134, p.135.

Ratcliffe, Francis W.
Maiden's dream. (Lights and shadows, no.1) -- Louisville : Ratcliffe &
Deboe ; Philadelphia Lee & Walker.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Crap & McCarthy ?, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Wall, J.T., M.D.
First line: Maiden sleeps in a moonlit bower.
Shelf no.: LS.

Ratcliffe, Francis W.
O! chide me not. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., 109 Fourth St. ;
Louisville, Ratcliffe & Deboe ; Cleveland, S. Brainard., 1853.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 693.4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Reply song.
Lyricist: Dyer, Sidney.
First line: Oh! chide me not.
Notes: Answer to, Thou hast wounded the spirit that loved thee.
Shelf no.: LS; c.2, LS (pp. 1-2 lacking).

Ratel, William.
Clay's Kentucky grand march, arranged for the piano forte. --
Philadelphia : George Willig ; Lexington, Ky., G.S. Bodley & Co., 1847.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Clay, Henry. Marches.
Notes: To the Whigs of Kentucky.
Shelf no.: v.103, p.67.

Ratel, William.
Santa Anna's march, arranged for the piano forte. -- Philadelphia :
George Willig, 171 Chesnut St.; Lexington, Ky. Bodley & Curd, 1847.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Mexican War. Marches.
Notes: "As played by the bands of the Mexican Army on the field of Buena
Vista, the night previous to the battle. NB. This beautiful air was brought on
by some Kentucky Volunteers".
Shelf no.: LP.

Rauch, F.W.
I am thine, and thine only! 'Over the left!' ; words from the
Knickerbocker. -- Cincinnati, : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Cragg
& Co. ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber., 1856.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 2643-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Knickerbocker.
First line: I am thine in my gladness.
Notes: To Mrs. McMakin.
Shelf no.: PS.

Ravina, H.
Nocturne, opus 13. (Album of classic music, no.1). -- Cincinnati : W.C.
Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, W.F. Colburn ;
Louisville, D.P. Faulds ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 2249-6 cover, 2248.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Shelf no.: v.126, p.141.

Raymond, Fanny M.
Calmly the waves love. -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville,
Peters, Webb & Co. ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber., 1853.
8 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1864-7.
Medium: Duet, voices, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Lyricist: Raymond, Fanny M.
First line: Calmly the waves, love.
Notes: "To Mrs. Charles Balmer, of St.Louis".
Shelf no.: PS.

Reichardt, A.
Love's request. Liebes Bitte. (Gems of German song). -- Louisville :
D.P. Faulds, no. 70 Main St.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1654-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover ; Slinglandt, J., engr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: German songs.
Lyricist: Clark, C.
First line: Now the day is slowly waning.
Notes: German & English words.
Shelf no.: v.75, p.199.

Reichardt, A.
Thou art so near and yet so far. Du bist mir nah' und doch so fern.
(Popular ballads, as sung at her concerts by Jenny Lind, no.4). -- Louisville
: D.P. Faulds, 539 Main St. ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber ; Cincinnati, W.C.
Peters & Sons.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 1334-5.
Medium: Voice and piano.
Subject: German songs. Jenny Lind.
First line: I know an eye so softly bright.
Notes: German & English words. "To Miss Alice Lou Smith".
Shelf no.: LS.

Ricci, Luigi.
Alfin Brillar, Ricci waltz, cavatina. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb &
Co., Main St. ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 744-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Italian songs.
Lyricist: Hewitt, J., English version.
First line: Oh! brightly shines.
Notes: "Sung by Parodi". Italian & English words.
Shelf no.: PS.

Ricci, Luigi.
Alfin Brillar, Ricci waltz, cavatina. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds,
Main St. ; St.Louis Balmer & Weber ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 744-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Italian songs.
Lyricist: Hewitt, J., English version.
First line: Oh! brightly shines Joy's rainbow light.
Notes: "Sung by Parodi". English & Italian words.
Shelf no.: v.47, p.101.

Richards, Brinley.
Faust march. Soldiers Chorus. (Les Graces) -- Louisville : Louis Tripp.
9 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 905-7.
Illustrations: back cover lith. Tripp's store.
Lithographer/Engraver: Roberts, W., artist, back cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Tripp's store.
Shelf no.: LP 2 cops. c.2 no lith.

Richards, Brinley.
Juanita. (European melodies by celebrated composers). -- Louisville :
D.P. Faulds, 223 Main St. and 54 Clark St., Chicago.
7 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1349-6.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, E.O., engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Transcriptions.
Notes: To Miss Alice Ford.
Shelf no.: v.133, p.35.

Richards, Brinley.
Whisper what thou feelest. (Songs of the boudoir, no.8). -- Louisville :
David P. Faulds ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 880-5.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Bunn, A.
First line: Oh! whisper what thou feelest.
Shelf no.: v.107, p.127.

Rimbault, E.F.
Gentle deeds. (Evenings at home, six popular ballads, no.2). --
Louisville : David P. Faulds ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 508-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
First line: Oh! gentle words, sound soft and clear.
Shelf no.: v.82, p.129.

Rimbault, E.F.
Gentle thoughts. (Evenings at home, six popular ballads, no.3). --
Louisville : David P. Faulds ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 510-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
First line: Yes gentle words are passing sweet.
Shelf no.: v.82, p.103.

Rive', Caroline.
Come roam with me to night. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., 117
Fourth St. ; Louisville, F.W. Ratcliffe ; Boston, O. Ditson, 1852.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 533-6.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Ada.
First line: Oh! come with me while the sky is bright.
Notes: To R.N.W.
Shelf no.: v.74, p.165 ; LS.

Rive', Caroline.
Leona waltz. (Parlor duetts, no.2) -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons,
no.76 West Fourth St., 1855.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 2082-4.
Medium: Piano, 4 hands.
Subject: Piano, 4 hands.
Notes: Cover c1859 by W.C.Peters & Sons, Ohio.
Shelf no.: v.41, p.25.

Rive', Caroline.
Thou art the star. -- Cincinnati : A.C. Peters & Bro. ; St.Louis, J.L.
Peters & Bro., 1860.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 3315.4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Butler, C.C.
First line: In love's bright sky.
Notes: To Miss Julia Walton, St.Louis, Mo.
Shelf no.: v.14, p.66.

Rodwell, G. H.
Beautiful blue violets. -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters ; Louisville, Peters
& Webster ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 149.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: Violets, violets, beautiful blue violets.
Notes: "Sung with great applause by Mrs. Waylett".
Shelf no.: PS ; v.81, p.233.

Rodwell, G.H.
Blue Moselle. -- Louisville : W.C. Peters.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 158.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Singers.
First line: When the glow worm gilds.
Notes: "As sung by Mrs. Keely".
Shelf no.: v.66, p.75.

Rodwell, G.H.
Here's a health to thee Mary, a ballad. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard &
Co., Fourth St.
3 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 296.3.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Cornwell, Barry.
First line: Here's a health to thee, Mary.
Notes: "Sung by Mr. Horn".
Shelf no.: v.125, p.239.

Rodwell, G.H.
Oh, charming May! (Lays of the wide world, no.4). -- Cincinnati : W.C.
Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters,Webb & Co. ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1962-3 cover,1958.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Hatch, P.H.
First line: Oh, charming May!.
Shelf no.: v.76, p.209.

Roemele, J.M.
Violet, ballad. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, 1880.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 3122-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, B.F., engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Taylor, Jane.
First line: Down in a green and shady bed.
Notes: "To Miss Jennie C. Dick, Louisville, Ky.".
Shelf no.: LS.

Roemele, J.M.
Sallie's "First honor" polka. -- Louisville : Henry Kno"fel, 1886.
7 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 70.5.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: To Sallie Ewing Pope.
Shelf no.: LP.

Rohbock, Henry.
Iantha waltz. -- Louisville : Tripp & Cragg ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field
; Baltimore, W.C. Peters, 1851.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 347-5.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: To Young ladies of the Female Eclectic Institute.
Shelf no.: v.47, 5.

Rohbock, Henry.
Snow drop polka. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co., Main St. ;
Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber., 1852.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 524-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Fagan, F.W.,engr. cover ;J. Slinglandt, engr. & pr.,
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: To Mrs. Henry Ringwalt.
Shelf no.: v.127, p.205.

Romer, F.
O would I were a boy again. -- [Louisville?] : W.C. Peters ; Louisville,
Peters & Webster ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field.
6 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 949.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Lemon, M.
First line: O would I were a boy again.
Notes: "Sung by Mr. Giubilei".
Shelf no.: v.77, p.197 ; v.45, p.173.

Romer, F.
O would I were a girl again. -- Boston : Oliver Ditson ; Louisville,
G.W. Brainard & Co. ; N.York, Gould & Berry ; Cleveland, S. Brainard ;
N.Orleans, H.D. Hewitt ; Boston, C.C. Clapp & Co., 1851.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 2640.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Reply songs.
Lyricist: Hill, James Seneca.
First line: O would I were a girl again.
Notes: To Miss Caroline E. Whipple.
Shelf no.: v.122, p.85.

Roode, Rudolf de.
Nightingale polka. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds & Co. ; Memphis &
Nashville, J.A. McClure ; New York, Wm. Hall & Sons, 1859.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1116-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Dunbar, engr., cover ; Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr.,
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: To Miss Lizzie Mills.
Shelf no.: v.57, p.9.

Roode, Rudolf de.
Pluie des Diamants, valse. -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ;
Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co ; New York, Horace Water ; Cleveland, Holbrook &
Long ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber., 1854.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 2001-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Pearson, J.C.,engr.,N.Y.,cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: To Mlle. Eliza A. Bryan.
Shelf no.: v.76, p.33.

Root, George F.
Mary of the Glen. -- New York : William Hall & Son ; Louisville, G.W.
Brainard & Co. ; Cincinnati, Colburn & Field ; Baltimore, H. McCaffrey., 1852.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 2131.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Eastman, Charles G.
First line: Has any body spoke for you.
Notes: To Mary and Sarah.
Shelf no.: v.122, p.121.

Root, George F. [Wurzel, G.F.].
Fare thee well Kitty dear. -- New York : William Hall & Son ; Louisville
Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, Colburn & Field, 1852.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 2107.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Performing groups.
First line: I saw the smile of evening die.
Notes: To Mr. Henry Wood. Written expressly for & sung by Wood's Minstrels.
Shelf no.: v.40, p.153.

Rosellen, Henri.
Le tremolo, reverie pour le piano. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co.,
Main St. ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 439-4.
Medium: Piano.
Shelf no.: v.132, p.103.

Rosellen, Henri.
Le tremolo. -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters,
Webb & Co. ; Cleveland, Holbrook & Long.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 2218-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Notes: To Madame la Duchesse de Poigny.
Shelf no.: v.24, p.313.

Ross, [D.].
Lee Rigg, or Turban'd Turk, with variations. My ain kind dearie. --
Baltimore : W.C. Peters ; Louisville, W.C. Peters & Co. ; Cincinnati, Peters,
Field & Co.
4 p. of music ; 32 cm.
Pl. no.: 1152.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: v.95, p.31.

Ross, D.
Auld lang syne, with variations -- New York : W.C. Peters ; Louisville,
Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 768-5.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: PS.

Ross, D.
Auld lang syne, with variations. (Popular melodies, no.3). -- Louisville
: David P. Faulds ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1649-4.
Medium: Piano or harp.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: v.57, p.51.

Rossington, Walter W.
Lonely rose, ballad. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., Fourth St.,
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 16.4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
First line: A rose gaz'd from her bower.
Notes: To James Maguire Jr. c1850 by John Gass in Missouri.
Shelf no.: v.130, p.55.

Rossington, Walter W.
Remember the absent, ballad. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., Fourth
St. ; Philadelphia, Lee & Walker, 1852.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 335.4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Green, J.R.
First line: Remember the absent.
Notes: "To Mrs. Annie C. Riley, of St.Louis, Mo.".
Shelf no.: LS.

Rossington, Walter W.
Star of hope. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., Fourth St., 1851.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 17.5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Pearson, engr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: Thou art to me the only ray.
Notes: To Mrs. Dr. Bullitt. c1851 by John Gass in Missouri.
Shelf no.: v.130, p.49.

Non piu mesta, aria in La Cenerentola, arranged as a rondo. --
Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., Fourth St.
7 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 65-5.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Rondos.
Arranger: Hunten, Francois.
Shelf no.: v.76, p.95.

O Salutaris hostia. (Collection of music for the catholic church) --
Louisville : James Perry, 1870.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 6-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Chorus & organ.
Subject: Sacred music.
Arranger: Perry, James.
First line: O Salutaris hostia.
Notes: Cover c1872 by James Perry. Latin words.
Shelf no.: v.15, p.149.

Tancredi overture. (Operatic overtures for three performers on one piano
forte,no.l). -- Boston : Oliver Ditson ; Louisville, G.W. Brainard & Co ; New
York, Gould & Berry.
17 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 2705.
Medium: Piano, 6 hands.
Subject: Operas, selections.
Arranger: Czerny, Charles.
Shelf no.: v.51, p.271.

Tyrolien waltz, or, Swift as a flash. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard &
Co., Fourth St.
3 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 155.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Arranger: Herz, Henri.
Shelf no.: LP.

Rothschild, Carrie (Sapinsky).
'95 march. -- Louisville : Greenup Music Co., 1895.
5 p. of music ; 32 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Marches.
Notes: To class '95 Louisville Girls High School.
Shelf no.: LP.

Rouget de Lisle.
La Marseillaise. (Vaterlands-lieder). -- Philadelphia : Lee & Walker ;
Louisville, Ratcliffe & Deboe ; St.Louis, Fritz & Derleth.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 5262-3.
Illustrations: cover colored lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Sinclair's Lith., Phil., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: National songs.
Arranger: Beyer, Ferd.
Shelf no.: v.65, p.289; v.136, p.267.

Rouget de Lisle.
Marseilles hymn, French national air. -- [Louisville] : W. C. Peters ;
Louisville, Peters & Webster ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field.
3 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 288.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: French songs. National songs.
Arranger: Zeuner, Ch.
First line: Ye sons of France.
Notes: French & English words.
Shelf no.: PS ; v.57, p.221 [Reed, engr. ;cover pl. no. 2030].

Runge, William.
Call me pet names. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds ; St.Louis, Balmer &
Weber ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons., 1852.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 580-5.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Osgood, F.S., Mrs.
First line: Call me pet names.
Notes: "To Mrs. Rebecca W. Campbell, Columbia, Tenn.".
Shelf no.: LS ; v.82, p.69.

Runge, William.
My little dear, polka -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati,
Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters, 1850.
2 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 269-2.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: "Dedicated to Miss Letitia Richards, of Cincinnati".
Shelf no.: PS.

Ruppius, Otto.
Merry heart, duett. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., 109 Fourth St.
; Cleveland, S. Brainard & Co. ; Baltimore, Henry McCaffrey., 1853.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 670.4.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Lyricist: Butler, Noble.
First line: Happy woods are ringing.
Notes: "To Miss Nannie Clay".
Shelf no.: LS 2 cops.

Russell, Henry.
Indian hunter. -- Baltimore : W.C. Peters ; Louisville, Peters & Webster
; [Cincinnati] Peters & Field.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 129.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Indians.
Lyricist: Cook, Eliza.
First line: Oh why does the white man.
Notes: To Henry John Sharpe.
Shelf no.: v.77, p.33.

Russell, Henry.
Main truck, or A leap for life, a nautical ballad. -- Cincinnati : W.C.
Peters & Sons ; Louisville Peters, Webb & Co. ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber,
9 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 90.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Morris, George P.
First line: Old Ironsides at anchor lay.
Notes: To Donald MacLeod. cover c1844 by W.C.Peters.
Shelf no.: v.16, p.39.

Russell, Henry.
Spider and the fly, a comic song. -- Baltimore : W.C. Peters ;
Louisville, Peters & Webb ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons, 1844.
6 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 59.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Comic songs.
First line: "Will you walk in to my parlor".
Notes: "As sung by Mr. Henry Russell".
Shelf no.: v.78, p.93 ; v.106, p.57 ; PS.

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