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Louisville Music Publications of the 19th Century: H

By Composer: H - Ha


H., D.H.
Agawam quick step. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 292=2.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Quick steps.
Shelf no.: LP.

H., D.H.
Agawam quick step. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., Fourth St.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 292=2.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Quick steps.
Shelf no.: v.86, p.155.

H., J.
Voice of love, ballad. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co, 117 Fourth
St. ; Cleveland, S. Brainard & Co. ; Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co., 1852.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 574-5.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Arranger: Morse, N. C.
First line: There was a soft and balmy breath.
Notes: "To Mrs. W.W. Stone".
Shelf no.: LS.

H., J.
When first I saw thy smile. Ballad. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co,
117 Fourth St. ; Cleveland, S. Brainard & Co. ; Boston, Oliver Ditson., 1852.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 575-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Arranger: Morse, N.C.
First line: When first I saw the smile.
Notes: "To Miss Kate Isler".
Shelf no.: LS.

H., M.R.
Ye mariners of Spain, ballad. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ;
Cincinnati, Peters & Field ; New York, W.C.Peters., 1849.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 151-3 & T. 1373-3.
Medium: Duet, with guitar.
Subject: Duets, with guitar.
First line: Ye mariners of Spain.
Notes: To Dr. Ashton Miles, U.S. Navy.
Shelf no.: GH.

Call me thine own, from L'Eclair. (Operatic gems, 2nd ser., no.2) --
Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons, 76 West 4th St., 1859.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 2968.4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Opera songs.
First line: Call me "thine own".
Notes: English & French words.
Shelf no.: v.14, p.85.

Haley, D.W.
Hobson waltz. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.70 Main St. ; Richmond,
Va., Bonner & Sapper, 1865.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1406-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: German & Bro., lith.,Louisville, cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Civil War- Confederate.
Notes: To Brig. General E.H. Hobson. "As played by Haley's cornet band".
Shelf no.: LP.

Haley, D.W.
I am lonely since you left me. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, 70 Main St.
; Richmond, Va. Bonner & Sapper., 1865.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1405-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Scharr, J., St.Louis, engr. cover ;Slinglandt, engr.,
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Civil War- Confederate.
Lyricist: Haley, D.W.
First line: I'm lonely since you left me.
Notes: "To Miss Laura Owen, of Louisville. Played by the principal military
bands through the South West".
Shelf no.: LS ; v.105, p.75.

Haley, D.W.
Oh! say not we have parted forever. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, 70 Main
St., 1866.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1447-4.
Illustrations: cover lithograph on tint ; O. Starck, artist.
Lithographer/Engraver: German & Bro., lith., Louisville ;J.Slinglandt, engr. &
pr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Haley, D.W.
First line: Oh! say not we have parted forever.
Notes: To Miss Laura B. Gordon, of Louisville, Ky. Autographed by D.W. Haley.
Shelf no.: v.88, p.55.

Hall, Foley.
Ever of thee. (Evenings at home, six popular ballads, no.6). --
Louisville : David P. Faulds ; W.C. Cincinnati, Peters & Field ; Baltimore,
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1162-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Linley, G.
First line: Ever of thee.
Shelf no.: LS.

Hall, Foley.
Ever of thee. (Two beautiful ballads by Foley Hall, no.2). -- Cincinnati
: W.C. Peters & Sons, no.76,West Fourth Street.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 3100.3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Ehrgott & Forbriger, lith., Cin., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Linley, George.
First line: Ever of thee, I'm fondly dreaming.
Notes: To Miss Phebie M. Haynes, Oberlin, O.
Shelf no.: v.14, p.107.

Hall, H.M.
Oh mother dear, caress me now. -- Nashville : C.D. Benson ; Louisville,
Tripp & Cragg ; D.P. Faulds ; Chicago, E.A. Benson ; Cleveland, S. Brainard &
Co., 1864.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: German & Bro.,lith., cover ; J.Slinglandt, engr. & pr.,
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Civil War.
Lyricist: Smith, J.B.
First line: Blue eyed boy, with sunny hair.
Notes: To Miss Jennie Moore.
Shelf no.: v.105, p.109.

Haman, J.S.
Gentle Warning. -- Philadelphia : Lee & Walker ; St. Louis, Friz &
Derleth; Louisville, Ratcliffe & Deboe, 1853.
6 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 5134.4.
Illustrations: Kraemer, P.
Lithographer/Engraver: Duval, P.S. & Co.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Burnett, Alfred.
First line: Take, take my gentle warning Sister.
Notes: "To Misses Emma C. and Mary D. Paullin."
Shelf no.: LS.

Angels ever bright and fair, from Theodora. (Songs of the day). --
Louisville : D.P. Faulds, 165 Fourth Ave.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1868-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, B.F., engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Sacred songs.
First line: O, worse than Death, indeed!.
Shelf no.: v.64, p.173.

Angels ever bright and fair. (Popular songs by distinguished composers).
-- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.70 Main St.
2 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 303-2.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice with strings & continuo.
Subject: Sacred songs.
First line: Angels ever bright and fair.
Notes: "Sung by Mr. French".
Shelf no.: LS.

I know that my Redeemer livith, from the Messiah. (Sacred songs,
no.l). -- Cincinnati : W.C. & Sons Peters ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son ;
Louisville, Peters, Cragg & Co.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 2666-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: I know that my Redeemer livith.
Notes: "As sung by Jenny Lind".
Shelf no.: PS.

Harris, Zudie (Reinecke).
Gently Lord oh gently lead us. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, 1882.
9 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 3161-8.
Illustrations: Slinglandt, B.F., engr., cover.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr., music.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Sacred music.
First line: Gently Lord, oh gently lead us.
Notes: "Zudie Harris, organist of Grace Church, Louisville".
Shelf no.: LS 3 cops.

Harrison, Annie Fortescue.
In the gloaming, ballad. -- Louisville : Emily Tripp, no.161 Fourth Ave.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: Slinglandt, B.F., engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Orred, Meta.
First line: In the gloaming.
Shelf no.: LS.

Harvey, R.F.
Home of my heart.(Songs of Erin, no.12). -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters &
Sons ; Louisville Peters, Cragg & Co. ; New York, Horace Waters.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1832-3 cover, no.1999.
Medium: Voice or duet, with piano.
Subject: Irish songs.
First line: I breathe once more my native air.
Notes: "As sung by Catherine Hayes".
Shelf no.: v.60, p.175.

Harvey, R.F.
I breathe once more my native air. (Favorite songs and ballads, sung by
Catharine Hayes, no.9). -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co., Main St. ;
Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 739-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: C., W.J.
First line: I breathe once more my native air.
Shelf no.: v.76, p.295.

I breathe once more my native air. (Favorite songs, no.9). -- Louisville
: David P. Faulds, Main St. ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; St.Louis,
Balmer & Weber.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 739-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Singers.
Lyricist: C., W. J.
First line: I breathe one more my native air.
Notes: "Sung by Catharine Hayes".
Shelf no.: v.14, p.48.

Hast, Louis H.
Bel' amie, or the Lay of the troubadour. -- Louisville : Louis Tripp,
no.118 Main St., 1870.
5 p. of music ; 32 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Bulwer.
First line: Gentle river, the moonbeam is hush'd.
Notes: "As sung with great applause by J.W. Parson Price".
Shelf no.: LS ; Archive, c.2 (MS 784.061 H35b).

Hast, Louis H.
Eclipse polka. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co, Main St. ; St.Louis
Balmer & Weber ; Cincinnati, W.C.Peters & Sons, 1852.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 588-4.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: To Mrs. Julia Miles. Original in Special Collections, University of
Kentucky, King Library.
Shelf no.: LP photocopy.

Hastings, R.
When the lonely watch I'm keeping. -- Cincinnati : A.C. Peters & Bro. ;
St.Louis, J.L. Peters & Bro., 1862.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 3557.4.
Medium: Voice & chorus, with piano.
Subject: Civil War. Reply songs.
Lyricist: Hastings, R.
First line: Dearest love, I do remember.
Notes: "Inscribed to the lov'd one at home". A soldier's reply to "When this
cruel war is over".
Shelf no.: v.50, p.l53.

Hatton, John L.
Good bye sweet heart. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., 109 Fourth
St. ; Cleveland, S. Brainard & Co. ; Nashville, J.B. West ; Boston, O. Ditson.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 766.4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Coles, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Singers.
First line: Bright stars fade, that morn is breaking.
Notes: "As sung by Sims Reeves".
Shelf no.: v.89, p.324.

Hatton, John L.
Simon the cellarer. Comic song. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds & Co. ; New
York, Wm. Hall & Son ; Memphis & Nashville, J.A. McClure ; Cincinnati, F.W.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1135-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Singers.
First line: Old Simon the Cellarer keeps a rare store.
Notes: "As sung by Mr. Aynesly Cook".
Shelf no.: v.89, p.148.

Hatton, John L.
Sky-lark, cavatina. -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville
Peters, Cragg & Co. ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son.
7 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 2644-7.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: Listen, 'tis the merry Skylark.
Shelf no.: v.67, p.187.

Hatton, John L.
Unkindness, ballad. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati,
Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters., 1850.
6 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 210-5.
Illustrations: lith. cover on tint.
Lithographer/Engraver: Sarony, lith.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
First line: Oh! could I learn indifference.
Notes: "Composed for and sung by Elisa Biscaccianti, to whom it is dedicated".
Shelf no.: PS.

Hays, Will S. [Blossom, Jerry].
That Southern wagon! -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds ; Philadelphia Lee &
Walker ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son.
65 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1347-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Civil War.
First line: Jeff. Davis built a wagon.
Notes: To the brave defenders of the Union.
Shelf no.: v.42, p.63.

Hays, Will S.
Annie Lee. (Charming collection of music, 12). -- Louisville : Louis
Tripp, Harmony Hall, 1865.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 606.4.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Oh! I often think of childhood.
Notes: To Mrs. Belle Hays.
Shelf no.: v.60, p.199.

Hays, Will S.
Beautiful girl of the South. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; Cincinnati,
J.J. Dobmeyer & Co. ; Chicago, DeMotte Bros. ; St.Louis, J.J. Dobmeyer & Co.,
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 312-3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co., cover lith. ; Warren,
stereotyper, music.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Beautiful girl of the South.
Notes: To Mrs. Will T. Power, St.Louis, Mo.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Cabin on the hill. -- Cincinnati, : Geo. D. Newhall & Co., 1878.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover stereotype illus.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: When the moon is brightly beaming.
Notes: To Mrs. Capt. S.H. Parisot, Vicksburg, Miss.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Call me no more, mother! A companion to "Rock me to sleep mother". --
Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.223 Main St. ; Cincinnati, Peters & Bro. ;
Chicago, Root & Cady ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber., 1864.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1369-5.
Illustrations: cover single color lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr., music.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Reply song.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Call me no more, Mother.
Notes: To Alice Medora Wyatt, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: v.105, p.155.

Hays, Will S.
Cleveland and Thurman, Democratic campaign song and chorus. --
Louisville : Will S. Hays Music & Poetry Publishing Company, 1888.
1 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Political songs.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Democrats have won the day.
Notes: To the Democracy of the United States.
Shelf no.: v.73, p.361.

Hays, Will S.
" Come unto me". -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co., 1878.
5 p. of music ; 37 cm.
Pl. no.: 220-4.
Medium: Duet with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Sacred songs.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: O Thou Omnipotent.
Notes: To Mrs. Geo. D. Newhall, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Darling Kate. -- St.Louis : J.L. Peters & Bro. ; Cincinnati, A.C. Peters
& Bro., 1866.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 544-3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
Arranger: Hebel, Charles.
First line: Oh! I think of the days.
Notes: To Miss Lizzie Love.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
De ole log cabin, a plantation song and chorus. -- Louisville : Rogers
Tuley Co., 1887.
1 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: lith. of Will S. Hays.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Negro songs. Advertisements.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: De little stars am shinin'.
Notes: To Robt. E. Lee Littrell, Worthington P.O., Ky. c1887 Louisville Press
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Dem good ole days. -- Louisville : Rogers Tuley Co., 1887.
1 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith. of Will S. Hays.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Negro songs. Advertisements.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: O how happy I used to be.
Notes: To Ike B. Williams, purser tow boat "Joe B. Williams". c1887 by
Louisville Press Co.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Down by the deep sad sea. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; Cincinnati &
St.Louis, J.J. Dobmeyer & Co. ; Boston, White, Smith & Perry ; Galveston, T.
Coggan ; Chicago, DeMotte Bros., 1868.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 361-3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Snyde, Black & Sturn, lith., N.Y., cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Down by the deep sad sea.
Notes: To Miss Alice Lilly, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Down in de co'n fiel'. -- Cincinnati, : Geo. D. Newhall & Co. ; Boston,
New York, Philada. Ditson & Co., 1883.
5 p. of music ; 37 cm.
Pl. no.: 380-4.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Negro songs.
First line: I see de black smoke rollin' high.
Notes: To Capt. 'Jas O'Neal, general superintendent of the St.Louis and New
Orleans Anchor Line steamers.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Driven from home. -- Boston : Oliver Ditson & Co. ; N.Y.,C.H. Ditson &
Co. ; Chicago, Lyon & Healy ; Savannah, Ludden & Bates ; Baltimore, Otto Sutro
; Cincinnati, Geo.D. Newhall & Co.,868.
3 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 340-3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Walker, Geo.H., & Co., lith., Boston.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Out in this cold world.
Notes: To Miss Nannie Rogers, Louisville, Ky. c1868 by J.L. Peters.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Drummer boy of Shiloh. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, 223 Main St. ;
Chicago, Ill. Root & Cady, 1863.
6 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1352-5.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Civil War.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: On Shiloh's dark and bloody ground.
Notes: To Miss Annie Cannon, Louisville, Ky. [20th edition].
Shelf no.: v.60,p.281.

Hays, Will S.
Ella Bell. -- Louisville : L. Washburn ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons
; Boston, O. Ditson & Co. ;, 1858.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Cole's, Will, Eng., cover ; J. Slinglandt, engr. & pr.,
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
Arranger: Plato, William.
First line: There's a gentle black eye'd maiden.
Notes: To Miss Lullie McCown, Forest Home, Ky. c1858 by N.C. Morse & Co. in
Shelf no.: v.82, p.255.

Hays, Will S.
Enter in, sacred song and chorus. -- Louisville : Will S. Hays, Music
and Poetry Publishing Co., 1888.
2 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Morton, John P., printers, Louisville,cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Sacred music. Advertisements.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Almighty God!.
Notes: "As sung by Professor C.C. Case, assisted by a choir of three hundred
voices in Moody Tabernacle". Compliments of Smith & Nixon.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Evangeline. -- Cleveland : S. Brainard Co. ; Chicago, Root & Cady ;
Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
6 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith. on tint.
Lithographer/Engraver: Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co., lith., cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Sweet Evangeline.
Notes: To Miss Sunie P. Mitchell, St.Louis, Mo.
Shelf no.: HS 2 cops. [c.2 W.J. Morgan, lith., Cleveland].

Hays, Will S.
Farewell! but not forever! -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co., 1879.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover illus.
Lithographer/Engraver: Grafton, artist, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: My own true love.
Notes: To Miss Julia Sloan, New Albany, Ind.
Shelf no.: HS 2 cops.

Hays, Will S.
Gelsemine vine. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall., 1879.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Dream is sweet.
Notes: To the ladies of the South.
Shelf no.: HS 2 cops.

Hays, Will S.
God bless the loved ones at home. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co.,
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 424-4.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Lonely and sad.
Notes: To my friend, Capt. Harry Brown, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Good bye! I'm gone. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co., 1881.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 25-3.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: O! Hannah don't you grieve.
Notes: To Ed.B. Hess Esq., Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS 2 cops.

Hays, Will S.
Harry, the beau of Mohawk vale. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds & Co., 539
Main St., 1859.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1143-3.
Lithographer/Engraver: Hull & Bro., printers, cover lith.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Reply songs.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
Arranger: Cherrier, Frank A.
First line: Oh! sweet was the vale.
Notes: To Miss Bettie Bondurant. "Reply to Bonnie Eloise".
Shelf no.: v.57, p.195.

Hays, Will S.
Harry, the beau of Mohawk Vale: a reply to Bonnie Eloise. -- Louisville
: D.P. Faulds & Co., 539 Main Street, 1859.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1143-3.
Illustrations: cover single color lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Hull & Brother, printers, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & guitar.
Subject: Reply songs.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Oh! sweet was the vale.
Notes: To Miss Bettie Bondurant. Revised edition.
Shelf no.: v.16, p.107.

Hays, Will S.
How much does the baby weigh? -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co.,
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover illus.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Say, how much does the baby weigh?.
Notes: To our baby boy, Sam. Brown Hays.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
I am dying, Mother, dying. -- Cleveland : S. Brainard & Son., 1865.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1744.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: I am dying, Mother, dying.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
I have no home. (Favorite songs by Will. S. Hays. First series). --
Boston : Oliver Ditson & Co. ; New York, C.H. Ditson & Co. ; Chicago, Lyon &
Healy ; Cincinnati, Dobmeyer & Newhall ; Philadelphia, J.E. Ditson & Co.,
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 10,232-3.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Oh! how the merciless winter winds blow.
Notes: c1873 by J.L. Peters.
Shelf no.: v.116, p.37.

Hays, Will S.
I'm looking for him home. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds ; St.Louis, Balmer
& Weber ; Nashville,J.A. McClure & C.D. Benson., 1862.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: cover colored lith.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Ah! many months have glided by.
Notes: To Miss Ada Webb. "As sung by Miss Ada Webb".
Shelf no.: HS ; v.130, p.15.

Hays, Will S.
I'm looking for him home. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds ; Chicago, Ill.,
D.P. Faulds, 54 Clark St., 1862.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice and piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Ah! many months have glided by.
Notes: To Miss Ada Webb. "As sung by Miss Ada Webb".
Shelf no.: v.84,p.120.

Hays, Will S.
I'm waiting for you Nora. -- Washington, D.C. : John F. Ellis & Co.,
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: When the evening shadows gather.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Josephine. -- Louisville : Rogers Tuley, 1887.
1 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith. of Will S. Hays.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Advertisements.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: There's not a moment of my life.
Notes: To Miss Josie Kinsinger, Cincinnati, Ohio. c1887 Louisville Press Co.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Keep in de middle ob de road. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co.,
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover illus.
Lithographer/Engraver: Grafton, E.D., artist, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Negro songs.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: I hear dem angels a callin' loud.
Notes: To my friend, James Burke, U.S. Mail Line Co., Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Kiss papa good night. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall Co. ; Boston,
N.Y., Phila., Ditson & Co. ; New York, W.A. Pond & Co. ; S.T. Gordon & Son ;
Chicago, Lyon & Healy ; Chicago Music Co., 1882.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover illus.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Shadows of evening now gather.
Notes: To my little friend, May Fawcett, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Shelf no.: HS 2 cops.

Hays, Will S.
Kiss the baby once for me. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co., 1881.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 37-3.
Illustrations: cover illus.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Oh! my darling, how I miss you.
Notes: To Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Paul, Jr., Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Laura Lee. Heaven claims her as angel. -- Cincinnati : J.L. Peters &
Bro. ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son ; Philadelphia, Lee & Walker., 1867.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 659.3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Gregson, Donaldson & Elmes, lith., Cincinnati, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: When the sun thro' shades of evening.
Notes: To my wife.
Shelf no.: v.94, p.45.

Hays, Will S.
Let us have peace. -- Louisville : Tripp & Cragg ; Memphis, J.A. McClure
; New Orleans, P.P. Werlein., 1861.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 610.4.
Illustrations: cover colored lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: German, C.W. & Bro., lith., cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Civil War.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: America! Beloved land.
Notes: To Friends of peace. "2nd addition".
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Little old cabin in the lane. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; St.Louis, J.L.
Peters & Co ; Cinn., Dobmeyer & Cady., 1871.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 915-3.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Singing groups.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: I'm getting old and feeble now.
Notes: To Geo. J. Cowan, Louisville, Ky. "As sung by Manning's Minstrels".
Shelf no.: v.13, p.123 ; HS.

Hays, Will S.
Little Sam. -- New York : John L. Peters ; Brooklyn, J.L. Peters ;
Cincinnati, J.J. Dobmeyer & Co., 1867.
3[39-41] p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 671.4 and 671.3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Ehrgott & Krebs, lith., Cincinnati, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Negro songs.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: I'm a happy little darkey.
Shelf no.: v.94, p.87.

Hays, Will S.
Lone grave by the sea. -- Louisville : Tripp & Cragg ; Cincinnati, John
Church ; Boston, O. Ditson., 1862.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 703.4.
Illustrations: German & Bro. Lith., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: I'm sitting in the cottage door.
Notes: "500th edition". "Respectfully dedicated to Miss Bettie Montgomery,
Louisville, Ky.".
Shelf no.: v.50, p.125 ; v.130, p.1.

Hays, Will S.
Lone grave by the sea. -- Louisville : Tripp & Cragg ; Cincinnati, John
Church ; Boston, O. Ditson & Co., 1862.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: German & Bro., lith., Louisville, cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: I'm sitting in the cottage door.
Notes: To Miss Bettie Montgomery, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Maggie Lee. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co., 1879.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Medium: Voice with chorus, flute obl. & piano.
First line: In a forest stands a cottage.
Notes: To Capt. Jno. Kilkenny, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Maid of Miami, I love you. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall Co. ; Boston,
New York, Philadelphia, Ditson & Co. ; New York, W.A. Pond & Co. ; New
Orleans, L. Grunewald ;, 1879.
3 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover illus.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Maid of Miami, I love you.
Notes: To my friend, Ed. D. Miller, Cincinnati, O.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Marian Gray. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, 223 Main St., 1863.
6 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 1359-5.
Illustrations: cover lith. printed on tint.
Lithographer/Engraver: Sinclair's, T.,lith.,Phila, cover ;Slinglandt,
J.,engr.& Pr. music.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: I stole to the bowers.
Notes: To Miss Mary Ormsby.
Shelf no.: HS ; v.105, p.69.

Hays, Will S.
Meet me, Maggie. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; St.Louis, T.A. Boyle ;
Cincinnati, Dobmeyer & Cody ; San Francisco, M. Gray ; Hartford, John Farris ;
Galveston, T. Goggan & Bro., 1872.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 991-3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Bufford's, John H., lith., Boston, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Meet me, Maggie.
Notes: To my friend A. Anderson, Esq., Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Mollie darling. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; St.Louis, T.A. Boyle ;
Cincinnati, Dobmeyer & Cody ; San Francisco, M. Gray ; Hartford, John Farris ;
Galveston, T. Goggan & Bro., 1871.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 917-3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Bufford, J.H., lith. cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Won't you tell me, Mollie darling.
Shelf no.: v.98, p.7 ; v.118, p.153 ; HS 2 cops.

Hays, Will S.
Mollie darling. (Old favorites). -- Boston : Oliver Ditson Company ; New
York, Chas. H. Ditson & Co. ; Chicago, Lyon & Healy., 1913.
5 p. of music ; 31 cm.
Pl. no.: 5-57-67632-3.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Won't you tell me, Mollie darling.
Notes: c1913 by Rosa Belle Hays.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Mother's parting at the gate. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall Co., 1884.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 545-3.
Illustrations: cover illus.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Twilight shadows gather'd 'round.
Notes: To Mrs. D.A. Miller, Statesville, N.C.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
My dear old sunny home, or Recollections of the sunny south. -- New York
: J.L. Peters ; Cincinnati, J.J. Dobmeyer & Co. ; Galveston, T. Goggan & Bro.
; Boston, White, Smith & Perry ; N. Orleans, L. Grunewald., 1871.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 817-3.
Lithographer/Engraver: Greene, H.F., Boston, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Where the mockingbird sang sweetly.
Notes: To Miss Zuba T. Dustin.
Shelf no.: v.118, p.23.

Hays, Will S.
My every thought was of thee, song & chorus. -- New York, : J.L. Peters,
599 Broadway; Cincinnati, Dobmeyer & Newhall; St.Louis, T.A. Boyle; San
Francisco & Portland, Matthias Gray; Detroit, C.J. Whitney & Co., 1873.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 10,267.
Medium: Voice & piano, with chorus.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Deep in the night I lonely sat.
Notes: To Miss Jessie Hatcher, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
My Southern sunny home! -- New Orleans, : Blackmar & Co. ; Louisville,
D.P.Faulds ; Memphis, Blelack & Co. ; Augusta, Blackmar & Bro., 1864.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: B.126.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Oh! mother dear, I have come home.
Notes: To Miss Sue A. Covington.
Shelf no.: LS.

Hays, Will S.
My southern sunny home. (Beautiful songs of the South). -- New York :
J.L. Peters ; St.Louis, T.A. Boyle ; Cincinnati, Dobmeyer & Cody ; San
Francisco, M. Gray ; Detroit, C.J. Whitney & Co., 1872.
52-54 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Ehrgott & Krebs, lith., Cincinnati, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Oh! mother, dear.
Notes: c1864 by Blackmar & Co., in Louisiana.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Nellie Wilder. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co., 1879.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Have you never seen.
Notes: "To my little friend" Nellie.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Nora O'Neal. -- St.Louis : J.L. Peters & Bro. ; Cincinnati, A.C. Peters
& Bro., 1866.
6 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 646.4.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Ehrgott Forbiger & Co., lith., Cincinnati, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Oh! I'm lonely tonight.
Notes: To my young friend J.L. Warner, Louaisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Number twenty nine. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; St. Louis, T.A. Boyle ;
Cincinnati, Dobmeyer & Cody ; San Francisco, M. Gray., 1871.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 889-3.
Illustrations: cover lith. of locomotive.
Lithographer/Engraver: Bufford, J.H., New York, lith.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Railroads.
First line: Roaring through the forests.
Notes: To Thatcher Perkins, superintendent of machinery, L.& N.R.R.
Shelf no.: v.93, p.311.

Hays, Will S.
Old fashioned fireplace. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co., 1878.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: O, well I remember.
Notes: To Miss Stella McCullough, Cincinnati.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Old fashioned roses are sweetest. -- Louisville : Rogers Tuley Co.,
1 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith. of Will S. Hays.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Moon in its beauty was shining.
Notes: To Miss Fannie "Zoe" Nixon, Hot Springs, Ark. c1887 by Louisville Press
Shelf no.: HS 2 cops.

Hays, Will S.
Old sergeant. "A hero of Lookout mountain". -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds,
223 Main St., 1864.
7 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1368-6.
Illustrations: cover lith. printed on tint.
Lithographer/Engraver: Sinclair, T., lith., Phila.cover ; J.Slinglandt, engr.
& pr.,music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Civil War.
First line: Grim visaged war.
Notes: To Genl. W.L. Whitaker.
Shelf no.: v.105, p.89.

Hays, Will S.
Our little pet. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; St.Louis, T.A. Boyle ;
Cincinnati, Dobmeyer & Cody ; San Francisco, M. Gray ; Hartford, John Farris ;
Galveston, T. Goggan & Bro., 1872.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 988-3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Bufford, John H., Boston, lith., cover ; S.S. Frizell,
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: I've a little household angel.
Notes: To Miss Belle R. Andrews, Titersville, Penn.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Pretty Evaline Adair. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; Cincinnati, Dobmeyer &
Newhall ; St.Louis, T.A. Boyle ; San Francisco & Portland, M. Gray ; Detroit,
C.J. Whitney & Co., 1872.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 10,209-3.
Lithographer/Engraver: Wakelam, lith., cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: In a little red brick cottage.
Notes: To Miss Mac Gibbons, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Ray of love polka. Un Rayon d'Amour. -- Louisville : Tripp & Cragg ;
Cincinnati, A.C. Peters & Bro. ; New Orleans, Ph. P. Werlein., 1860.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 604.4.
Lithographer/Engraver: German, C.W.,& Bro.,lith., cover ;.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Hays, Will S. Polkas.
Notes: To Miss Annie Oldham, Rose Valley, Ky. On cover: "by Will".
Shelf no.: v.105, p.199 ; v.130, p.291.

Hays, Will S.
The Refugee. (Will S. Hays Songs, no.11). -- Louisville : Louis Tripp,
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 609.4.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Farewell mother home and friends.
Notes: To Miss Belle McCullough. See also: The wandering refugee.
Shelf no.: HS 2 cops.

Hays, Will S.
Remember I'm your friend. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co., 1880.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Grafton, artist, cover lith.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Amid life's many changing scenes.
Notes: To Miss B. Lillian Bowyer, Gallipolis, Ohio.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Save one bright crown for me. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; St.Louis,T.A.
Boyle ; Cincinnati, Dobmeyer & Cody ; San Francisco, M. Gray ; Detroit, C.J.
Whitney & Co. ; Galveston,T.Goggan & Bro., 1872.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 10,094-3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Snyder & Black, N.Y., lith. cover.
Medium: Voice or duet with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Sacred music.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Oh! Thou Omnipotent most High!.
Notes: To Miss Belle Eddy, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays. Will S.
Shamus O'Brien. An answer to Nora O'Neal. -- New York : J.L. Peters ;
Cincinnati, J.J. Dobmeyer & Co. ; Chicago, DeMotte Bros. ; St.Louis,
J.J.Dobmeyer & Co., 1866.
7 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 649.
Lithographer/Engraver: cover lith.
Medium: Voice & piano; with chorus.
Subject: Reply song.
Lyricist: Hays. Will S.
First line: Oh! sweet is the smile.
Notes: "To my friend, Capt. H.H. Drown, Cincinnati, Ohio". c1866 vy J.L.
Peters & Bro. in Missouri.
Shelf no.: v.138, p.119.

Hays, Will S.
Shamus O'Brien & Widow McGee. Waltz. -- Boston : Oliver Ditson & Co. ;
New York, C.H. Ditson & Co ; Chicago, Lyon & Healy ; Cincinnati, Dobmeyer &
Newhall ; Philadelphia, J.E. Ditson & Co., 1870.
[67-70] p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 765-4.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Reply piano piece.
Arranger: Dressler, Wm.
Notes: To Captain H.H. Drower. c1870 by J.L. Peters in New Jersey.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
She sleeps. Sleep my loved one sleep. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall &
Co. ; Boston & New York, Ditson & Co. ; Philadelphia, Ealy., 1883.
5 p. of music ; 37 cm.
Pl. no.: 378-4.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Angels ever bright and fair.
Notes: To the memory of Mrs. Hattie E. Ross, beloved wife of Capt. A.Q. Ross
of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Sweet birds singing. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall Co., 1884.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 529-3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Forbriger & Co., lith., cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: I hear the sweet birds singing.
Notes: Optional flute part.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Union forever for me. A patriotic song and chorus. -- Louisville : Tripp
& Cragg., 1861.
5 p. of music ; 32 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Hull & Brother, printers ; J. Slinglandt, engr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Civil War-Union.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: America! Gem of the wide, wide world.
Notes: To the lovers of the Union.
Shelf no.: v.14, p.75.

Hays, Will S.
Wandering refugee. New edition. -- Louisville : Louis Tripp, Harmony
Hall, 1865.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 609.4.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Hart & Mapother, lith., Louisville.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S. ; Wood, W.B.
First line: Farewell mother, home and friends.
Notes: To Mrs. Robt. W. Hays. "Additional verses by Dr. W.B. Woods.Inscribed
to the memory of the lamented Ex. Gov. Allen". See also earlier ed.,"The
Shelf no.: HS ; v.38, p.109.

Hays, Will S.
We may never meet again. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, 223 Main St.,
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1363-4.
Illustrations: cover colored lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: Sad is this young heart of mine.
Notes: To Miss Belle Bridgeford, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: v.105, p.103.

Hays, Will S.
We parted by the river side. -- New York : J.L. Peters., 1866.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 8.
Lithographer/Engraver: Warren, stereotyper, New York, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: We parted by the river side.
Notes: To Miss Eliza W. Winlock. c1866 by A.C. Peters & Bro., in Ohio.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
We parted by the river side. -- Cincinnati : A.C. Peters & Bro. ;
St.Louis, J.L. Peters & Bro., 1866.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 4117.4.
Illustrations: cover lithograph printed on tint.
Lithographer/Engraver: Donaldson & Elmes, lith., Cinncinati, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: We parted by the river side.
Notes: To Miss Eliza L. Winlock, Shelbyville, Ky.
Shelf no.: v.88, p.21.

Hays, Will S.
We parted by the river side. -- St.Louis : J.L. Peters & Bro. ;
Cincinnati, A.C. Peters & Bro. ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son ; Philadelphia, Lee
& Walker ; New York, Wm. Pond & Co., 1866.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 8.
Illustrations: cover colored lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Gregson, Donaldson & Elmes, lith., Cinncinati, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: We parted by the river side.
Notes: To Miss Eliza L. Winlock, Shelbyville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
When I left my home in Erin. -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co.,
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover illus.
Lithographer/Engraver: Grafton, artist.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Evening shadows gather'd.
Notes: To Miss Isabel Gould, St.Louis, Mo.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
Who tied that crape on the door? -- Louisville : Rogers Tuley Co., 1887.
1 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith. of Will S. Hays.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Mother, dear mother.
Notes: To Miss Carrie M. Lucas, Louisville, Ky. c1887 by Louisville Press Co.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
" Whoa! I tell you!" -- Cincinnati : Geo. D. Newhall & Co., 1879.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: cover illus.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Negro songs.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: I hear dem sleigh-bells ringin'.
Notes: To my friend Chas. B. Chapman, C.& M.R.R., Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: HS 2 cops.

Hays, Will S.
Will you remember me? -- Louisville : Tripp & Cragg ; Cincinnati, A.C.
Peters & Bro. ; New Orleans, Blackmar & Co., 1864.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: German & Bro., lith., cover ; J. Slinglandt, engr.,
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Hays, Will S.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Remember thee! Yes!.
Notes: To Miss Anna L. Cornwall, Louisville, Ky. 5th edition. "As sung by Con.
T. Murphy, of Arlington, Kelly & Leon's Minstrels".
Shelf no.: v.105, p.15.

Hays, Will S.
Write me a letter from home. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; St.Louis, J.J.
Dobmeyer & Co. ; Chicago, DeMotte Bros., 1866.
6 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 648.4.
Illustrations: cover lith. of Hays.
Lithographer/Engraver: Clayton, C.O., lith., N.Y. cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Hays, Will S.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Lonely I sit me and weep.
Notes: To my friend Dr. E.D. Foree, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: v.38, p.99 ; HS (no lith.).

Hays, Will S.
Yes, we think of thee at home! Reply to "Do they think of me at
home?". -- Louisville : Wm. McCarrell, 310 West Jefferson Street, 1862.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 9-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Kierolf & Co., printers, cover ; Slinglandt, J., engr.
& pr., musi.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Reply songs.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: Yes, we think of thee at home.
Notes: To Miss Amelia J. Hall, of Shelby County, Ky. "A beautiful ballad as
sung by Mr. H.C. Boutwell".
Shelf no.: v.42, p.24.

Hays, Will S.
You'll always find me true. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; Cincinnati,
Dobmeyer & Cody ; Galveston, T. Goggan & Bro. ; Boston, White, Smith & Perry ;
N.Orleans, L. Grunewald., 1872.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 10,182-3.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: We two have been good friends.
Notes: To my friend J.L. Peters.
Shelf no.: HS.

Hays, Will S.
You've been a friend to me. -- New York : J.L. Peters ; Cincinnati,
Dobmeyer & Co. ; St.Louis, T.G. DeMotte., 1867.
3 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 283.3.
Illustrations: cover lith.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: Hays, Will S.
First line: My bark of life was tossing down.
Notes: To Miss Emily Peters. c1867 by J.L. Peters, Southern district of Ohio.
Shelf no.: v.90, p.217.

By Composer: He - Hu


Heady, J. Morrison.
Destruction of Sennacherib. -- Louisville : F.W. Ratcliffe ; Louisville,
G.W. Brainard, 117 Fourth St. ; Cleveland, Brainard., 1851.
4 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Byron.
First line: Assyrian came down.
Notes: 2nd Edition. "For the Ladies' Musical Library".
Shelf no.: LS.

Heady, J. Morrison.
Where is the spirit land. -- Louisville : F.W. Ratcliffe, 3d Street ;
Louisville, G.W. Brainard & Co., Fourth Str., 1851.
4 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 208-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Heady, J. Morrison.
First line: Tell me ye wandr'ing stars.
Shelf no.: LS.

Heady, J. Morrison.
Yazoo polka. -- Louisville : F.W. Ratcliffe, 1851.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: "For the Ladies Musical Library. To Miss Laura Simmons".
Shelf no.: LP.

Heffernan, W.G.
Oh! no, I am not blind! -- Louisville : F.W. Ratcliffe, 1851.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Dyer, Sidney, Rev.
First line: They tell me that my face is fair.
Notes: For the Ladies Musical Library. To "Little Ellen", of the Kentucky
Institution for the Blind.
Shelf no.: v.44, p.187; c.2, LS.

Hemans, Mrs.
Bring flower [s]. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., Fourth St.
2 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 35-2.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: Bring flowers, young flowers.
Shelf no.: v.68, p.149 ; v.82, p.281.

Hemmersbach, P.J.
Im Fru"hling, op.5. (In spring). -- Louisville : Greenup Music Co.,
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Notes: To Hochw Herrn Franz Zabler.
Shelf no.: v.73, p.103.

[Hensel, Octavia] pseud.
Voice pose, and vocal technique. Method Marchesi, Lamperti, Randegger. -
- [Louisville] : Octavia Hensel?, 1887.
4 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Medium: Voice.
Subject: Vocal studies & methods.
Arranger: Hensel, Octavia.
Notes: c1887 by Octavia Hensel [i.e. Seymour, Mary Alice Ives].
Shelf no.: LS.

Hernandez, A.M.
Nicarauga national song. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds ; New York, Wm.
Hall & Son ; Nashville, J.A. McClure ; St.Louis, C. Fritz., 1856.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 2011-5.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: National songs.
Lyricist: Brannin, W.F.
First line: Puritans fled from oppression.
Notes: To Gen. Wm. Walker.
Shelf no.: v.107, p.255.

Herz, Henri.
Morceau de salon. No.1. La Mazurka. Op.91. La Mazurka. -- Baltimore, :
W.C. Peters ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field ;
Philadelphia, E.L. Walker.
11 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1603.
Lithographer/Engraver: Gillingham, engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Mazurkas.
Notes: To Madame le Comtesse de Somnariva.
Shelf no.: LP.

Herz, Henri.
Nocturne on an air from I Capuleti ed i Montecchi by Bellini. --
Baltimore : W.C. Peters ; Louisville Peters & Webster ; Cincinnati, Peters &
4 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 834 900.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Opera themes.
Shelf no.: v.3l, p.257.

Herz, Henri.
Puritani march, with grand variations. -- Louisville : Tripp & Cragg ;
Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; St. Louis, Balmer & Weber.
18 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 689-18.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: v.130, p.355.

Herz, Henri.
Quadrille waltz. -- Baltimore : W.C. Peters ; Louisville, Peters, Webb &
Co. ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 613-2.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: v.81, p.8.

Herz, Henri.
Sontag's admired waltz. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds ; Cincinnati, W.C.
Peters & Sons ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 525-2.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: v.92, p.69.

Herz, Henri.
' Tis the last rose of summer, with an introduction and variations. --
Louisville : W.C. Peters & Co. ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field.
4 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1179=4.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: PS.

Herz, Henri.
' Tis the last rose of summer, with an introduction and variations. --
Louisville : David P. Faulds.
4 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 797-4.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: LP ; v.92, p.221.

Herz, Henri.
Variations brilliantes sur la Derniere valse de C. M. von Weber.
Op.51. -- Cincinnati : Peters & Sons ; W.C. ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ;
Baltimore, W.C. Peters ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber.
15 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 879.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: v.124, p.197.

Herz, Henri.
La violette de Carafa. Variations brillantes. Op.48. -- Louisville :
G.W. Brainard & Co., 109 Fourth St. ; Boston, Oliver Ditson ; Cleveland, S.
Brainard & Co. ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son ; Philadelphia, J.E. Gould.
17 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 777.17.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: v.132, p.133.

Herz, Henri.
We have liv'd & lov'd together. Melody from the Recreations Musicales. -
- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, Peters, Field & Co. ;
Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1671-2.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: We have liv'd and lov'd together.
Shelf no.: v.82, p.325.

Herz, Henri.
We have liv'd & lov'd together. The melody from the Recreations
Musicales. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds ; Cincinnati, Peters, Field & Co. ;
Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
2 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1671-2.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: We have liv'd and lov'd together.
Shelf no.: v.105, p.129.

Herz, Henri.
We have liv'd and lov'd together. Recreations musicales. -- [Louisville]
: Peters, W.C.
2 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1037.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: We have liv'd and lov'd together.
Shelf no.: v.77, p.149.

Herz, Henri.
Weber's last waltz. -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters.
1 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 645.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: v.74, p.101.

Hamburg polka. (Parlor duetts, no.3). -- Cincinnati, : W.C. Peters &
Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cleveland, Holbrook & Long ; St.Louis,
Balmer & Weber., 1854.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 2083-4 2080, cover.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., Cincinnati, cover.
Medium: Piano, 4 hands.
Subject: Piano, 4 hands.
Shelf no.: PS.

Herzog, A.
Black key polka mazurka. (European echoes). -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds,
no.165 4th Ave.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1869-4.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polka mazurkas.
Shelf no.: v.91, p.149.

Hess, Charles.
I dream my dream, ballad. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds ; St.Louis Balmer
& Weber ; Cincinnati, W.F. Colburn., 1855.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 451-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Coles, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Tennyson.
First line: I dream my dream.
Notes: To Miss Ida Yeatman, of Nashville.
Shelf no.: v.40, p.165.

Hess, Charles.
I sighed for home. (Parlor melodies for evening hours, no.8). --
Louisville : Webb, Peters & Co., 109 Fourth St. ; Cleveland, S. Brainard ;
Boston, O. Ditson ; Pittsburgh, J.H. Mellor, 1855.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 877.5.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: I sighed for home.
Shelf no.: v.16, p.119.

Hess, Daisy Jeannette.
Bernheim guards march. (Two step). -- Louisville : J.P. Simmons & Co.,
528 4th Avenue., 1895.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Illustrations: reproduction of photograph.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Marches.
Notes: To Mr. I.W. Bernheim, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: LP 2 cops.

Hewitt, George W.
Bayadere quick step, arranged in an easy style for two performers on the
piano forte. -- : W.C. Peters ; Louisville, Peters & Webster ; Cincinnati,
Peters & Field., 1844.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 717.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Piano, 4 hands.
Notes: c1844 by John F. Nunns in Southern dist. of New York.
Shelf no.: Piano, 4 hands.

Hewitt, George W.
Une Perle waltz, (Brainard & Co.s collection of popular melodies arr.
duetts, no.8. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., Fourth St. ; Cleveland, S.
Brainard & Co. ; Indianapolis, A.E. Jones & Co.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 759.5.
Medium: Piano, 4 hands.
Subject: Piano, 4 hands.
Shelf no.: LP.

Hewitt, John H.
I'm only sixteen. -- New York : Firth, Pond & Co. ; Louisville Peters,
Webb & Co. ; Chicago, B.K. Mould, 1851.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1097.
Lithographer/Engraver: Wakelam, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Singers.
Lyricist: Hewitt, John H.
First line: I'm only sixteen.
Notes: "Sung by Miss Miriam C. Goodenow, of the Alleghanians". Fifth edition.
Shelf no.: v.78, p.49.

Hews, George.
Brattleboro waltz and quick step. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 327-2.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes. Quick steps.
Shelf no.: LP.
669.2. Hews, George.
Brattleboro waltz and quick step. (Gems from the valley, no. 6). --
Rochester : W.S. Mackie, ; Wm. Hall & Son; Buffalo, Blodgett & Bradford;
Louisville, Wm. McCarrell; Chicago, Root & Cady, 1861.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 2360.
Lithographer/Engraver: J.Sage & Sons, Sc., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes. Quick steps.
Notes: Inside cover: New York, Firth, Pond & Co., 1 Franklin Sq.
Shelf no.: LP.

Hews, George.
Websters quick step. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds, Main St.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1696-2.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Quick-steps.
Shelf no.: v.54, p.233.

Hillman, W.
Heimweh Klange. (Les Graces, a collection of choice pieces). Longing for
home waltzes. -- Louisville : Louis Tripp, 1865.
9 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 1004.8.
Lithographer/Engraver: Perrine, engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: To Mrs. C.D. Hillman.
Shelf no.: LP.

Waltz. -- Louisville : Peters & Co.
1 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: With: Java march.
Shelf no.: v.49, p.191.

Hine, Charlie.
Prairie song. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co., 1850.
2 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: Gaily smiles the glad blue sky.
Notes: To Miss Mary Duncan.
Shelf no.: v.95, p.27.

Hine, James.
I wander'd by the brook side. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ;
Cincinnati Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
4 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 254-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Milnes, R.M.
First line: I wander'd by the brook side.
Shelf no.: v.59, p.39.

Hodson, G.A.
He never said he loved, ballad. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co.
2 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 29-2.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Bayley, F.W.H.
First line: He oft hath said that I was fair.
Shelf no.: v.77, p.203.

Hodson, G.A.
My home, my happy home. (Lays of the wide world, no.9). -- Cincinnati, :
W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cleveland, Holbrook &
Long ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber ; New York, Horace Waters.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1977-3 1958, cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
First line: My home my home my happy home.
Notes: "Sung by Jenny Lind".
Shelf no.: PS.

Hodson, G.A.
Poor Bessy. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co., Main St. ; Cincinnati,
W.C. Peters & Sons ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 687-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Pocock, J.
First line: Poor Bessy was a sailor's wife.
Shelf no.: v.74, p.293.

Hoffman, Edward.
I love thee still, romance. -- Louisville : Wm. McCarrell, 91 West
Jefferson St., 1867.
15 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 53-15.
Medium: Piano.
Notes: "On J.C. Meininger's favorite song, 'I love thee still', as sung by
Madme. C.V. Hoffman".
Shelf no.: LP.

Hoffman, Richard.
Souvenir de Trovatore, de Verdi. -- New York : William Hall & Son ;
Louisville, D.P. Faulds ; Boston, George P. Reed & Co. ; Cincinnati, W.C.
Peters & Sons., 1856.
11 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 3686.
Lithographer/Engraver: Pearson, J.C., N.Y., engr., cover ; Clayton, engr.,
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Opera themes & variations.
Shelf no.: v.109, p.267 ; LP 2 cops.

Hoffmann, G.R.
Mountain bell waltzes. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati,
W.C. Peters & Sons ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters, 1851.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 361-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Jenny Lind. Waltzes.
Notes: To Miss Bell Sheridan. "Arranged from admired Tyrolian airs, as sung by
Jenny Lind".
Shelf no.: v.39, p.185.

Hoffmann, G.R.
La Serenade -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati Peters &
Field ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters, 1851.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 396-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: To A.C. Peters.
Shelf no.: v.67, p.235.

Hoffmann, G.R.
Zephyr polka. -- Louisville : W.C. Peters & Co. ; Cincinnati Peters,
Field & Co., 1848.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1231.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: To Mrs. G.D. Prentice.
Shelf no.: v.39, p.223.

Hohnstock, Adele.
Concert polka. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, Peters &
Field ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
3 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 261-3.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: "Published with the permission of J. Schuberth". "Composed & performed
with great applause by Miss Adele Hohnstock".
Shelf no.: PS.

Holloway, J.
Wood up!, or Mississippi quick step. -- Louisville : Tripp & Cragg.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Quick-steps.
Notes: "Composed expressly for beginners".
Shelf no.: LP.

Holman, Geo.
Wake up Jake. (W.C. Peters & Sons' Ethiopian songs, no.14). --
Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ; New York,
William Hall & Son, 1848.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1194.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Negro songs.
First line: Come white folks listen.
Notes: Advertisement back cover W.C. Peters & Sons, Cincinnati.
Shelf no.: v.57, p.125.

Holman, Geo.
Wake up Jake. (Songs of the Sable Harmonists and Kunkel's Nightingales).
-- Baltimore : W.C. Peters ; Louisville, Peters Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, W.C.
Peters & Sons, 1848.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1194.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Negro songs.
Lyricist: Holman, Geo.
First line: Come white folks listen to my song.
Notes: 12th edition.c1848 by W.C. Peters in Ky.
Shelf no.: v.76, p.189.

Holst, M.
First cottage rondo -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co.
4 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1717-4.
Medium: Piano.
Shelf no.: PS.

Hopf, B.
Hope waltzes. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co.
7 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 270-7.
Lithographer/Engraver: Gillingham, F., engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: "Performed by the Prague Band, both in Europe & America, arranged for
the piano forte".
Shelf no.: v.76, p.15.

Horn, John.
Wheatland polka. (Beauties of the ball room, new series, no.6) --
Louisville : David P. Faulds ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; Chicago,
Higgins Bros., 1857.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 2035-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: C.,W.A., engr., cover ; Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr.,
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: To Miss Huber.
Shelf no.: v.78, p.100.

Hoskins, John.
Gentle blue eyed Haidee -- Louisville : Webb, Peters & Co., 1855.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 866.4.
Medium: Voice & chorus, with piano.
Lyricist: Cist, L.J.
First line: Way down in Sangamonna.
Notes: "To S.C. Campbell. Sung by the Campbells".
Shelf no.: PS.

Hoskins, John.
Linda Bell, ballad. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., Fourth St. ;
Cleveland, S. Brainard & Co. ; Boston, O. Ditson., 1853.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 720.4.
Medium: Voice with chorus, and piano.
Subject: Negro songs.
Lyricist: Hoskins, John.
First line: Moon it am shining, love.
Notes: "To Miss Sallie Withers".
Shelf no.: LS.

Hoskins, John.
Mavourneen, mavourneen, how lone is thy dwelling. -- Louisville : G.W.
Brainard & Co., 109 Fourth St. ; Buffalo, J. Sage & Son ; Cleveland, S.
Brainard & Co. ; Indianapolis, A.E. Jones & Co., 1854.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 803.5.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Irish songs.
Lyricist: Heffernan, Anna M.
First line: Slowly the evening is closing around me.
Notes: To Bessie of Boston.
Shelf no.: v.86, p.233.

Hoskins, John.
Moonbeams. -- Louisville : Brainard Bros. ; Cleveland, S. Brainard & Co
; Boston, O. Ditson, 1856.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Seloc, engr., Louisville, cover ; Slinglandt, J.,
engr.& pr.,music.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Arranger: M., N.C.
First line: Over fields of thymy blossoms.
Notes: To Miss Virginia Guthrie & Miss Mary English.
Shelf no.: v.16, p.33 ; v.68, p.165.

Hoskins, John.
My mother's smile -- Louisville : Webb, Peters & Co., 1855.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 871.4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Coles, Will., engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Dyer, Sidney.
First line: Rosy blush has left.
Notes: "To Mrs. Benjamin Chamberlin, Newton, Mich.".
Shelf no.: PS.

Hoskins, John.
Songs my mother sang. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co. ; Cleveland,
S. Brainard & Co. ; Buffalo, J. Sage & Son ; Chicago, Mould & Green., 1854.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 359-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Dyer, Sidney.
First line: Tho' I delight in strains.
Notes: To my sisters. Cover lacking, v.57, p.249.
Shelf no.: v.57, p.249 ; v.86, p.245.

Howard, George C.
Oh! I'se so wicked. -- New York : Horace Waters ; Louisville, G.W.
Brainard Bro. & Co. ; Boston, G.P. Reed & Co. ; Cincinnati, W.C.Peters & Sons
; Petersburg, Pa., Gaianes & Riches., 1854.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith. printed on tint.
Lithographer/Engraver: Sarony & Co.,N.Y., lith. cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Negro songs.Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Lyricist: Howard, George C.
First line: Oh, white-folks I was never born.
Notes: To G.L. Aiken. "As sung by Mrs. G.C. Howard". Lith.,c1854, of Mrs. G.C.
Howard in her original character of "Topsy" in Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Shelf no.: v.122, p.141.

Hughes, David E.
Lizzie polka. (G.W. Brainard & Co.s waltzes polkas &, no.l) --
Louisville : G.W. Brainard, & Co., 117 Fourth St. ; Cleveland, S. Brainard &
Co. ; Boston, Oliver Ditson., 1852.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 547-4.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Shelf no.: LP.

Hunt, A.W., Dr.
Vernon waltz. (Beauties of the ball room, no.11). -- Louisville : David
P. Faulds ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; Chicago, Higgins Bros, 1859.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1110-4.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: v.57, p.29.

Hunten, Francois.
Benedetta sia la madre, with introduction & variations. -- Louisville :
Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, Peters, Field & Co. ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters
& Co.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1662-6.
Lithographer/Engraver: Webb, engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: PS.

Hunten, Francois.
Les Bords du Rhin, grande valse brillante. -- Louisville : David P.
Faulds ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
9 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 867-8.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: LP.

Hunten, Francois.
Emerald grand waltz. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds ; Cincinnati,
Peters, Field & Co. ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 242-6.
Lithographer/Engraver: Williams, T.J., engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: v.3, p.317.

Hunten, Francois.
Emerald grand waltz. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Baltimore,
W.C. Peters ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son ; Cincinnati, Peters, Field & Co.
6 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 242-6.
Lithographer/Engraver: Williams, T.J., engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: PS.

Hunten, Francois.
Gallopade quadrille. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co.
2 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 798-2.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Quadrilles.
Shelf no.: v.86, p.59.

Hunten, Francois.
Infernal waltz, from Meyerbeer's Robert le Diable. (Standard favorites,
a collection of easy waltzes). -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.70 Main St.
2 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 40-2.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: LP.

Hunten, Francois.
Instructions for the piano-forte, in which is introduced a series of
popular airs, arranged in a progressive manner. -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters &
67 (73) p. of music ; 33 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Piano studies & methods.
Arranger: [Peters, W.C.].
Notes: Abridged edition. With French and English text.
Shelf no.: Peters' works.

Hunten, Francois.
Peters' enlarged and improved edition of Hunten's celebrated piano-forte
school. -- Philadelphia : Lee & Walker, 1856.
119 & l p. of music ; 33 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Piano studies & methods.
Arranger: Peters, W.C.
Notes: c1856 by W.C. Peters & Sons in Ohio. Unabridged edition.
Shelf no.: Peters' works.

Hunten, Francois.
Rondo sur la cachucha. (L'Alliance, no.2). Op.101. -- Baltimore : W.C.
Peters ; Louisville Peters & Webster ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field.
6 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 811 cover, 809.
Medium: Piano.
Shelf no.: v.134, p.9.

Hunten, Francois.
La Rose. Variations brillantes sur une air allemand. -- Baltimore : W.C.
Peters ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters Webb & Co.
13 p. of music ; 32 cm.
Pl. no.: 1456.13.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: PS.

Hunten, Francois.
See, oh! Norma, from Bellini's opera Norma, with variations,op.65 --
Louisville : Tripp & Cragg ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; Baltimore, W.C.
9 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Fagan, F.W., engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: LP 2 cops.

Hunter, Kate, Mrs.
Beta waltz. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, Main St. ; Chicago, R.G. Greene
; Nashville, J.A. McClure ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber., 1856.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1036-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Coles, engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: To Beta Theta Pi.
Shelf no.: LP.

Hunter, Kate, Mrs.
Temple polka. -- Louisville : Tripp & Cragg, 109 Fourth St. ; Boston,
Oliver Ditson & Co. ; New York, Firth, Pond & Co., 1858.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 548.4.
Illustrations: cover colored lith.
Lithographer/Engraver: Hart, Mapother & Co., lith., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: To the Masonic fraternity.
Shelf no.: v.78, p.52.

Huntley, Edward C.
Medora waltz. -- Nashville : J.A. McClure ; Louisville, D.P. Faulds,
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 3.
Lithographer/Engraver: Coles, Will, Louisville, cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: To Miss Medora A. Carter.
Shelf no.: LP.

Huntley, William A.
Some day I'll wander back again. -- Louisville : Henry Knofel, 52 West
Market Street., 1879.
5? p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: cover lith. printed with color.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & piano.
Lyricist: French, Arthur W.
First line: Some day I'll wander back again.
Notes: To my mother. c1879 by W.F. Shaw.
Shelf no.: v.123, p.217 [incomplete copy].

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