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Louisville Music Publications of the 19th Century: G

By Composer: G


Gabriel, Virginia.
Ruby. (The most popular songs of the day). -- Louisville : D.P.Faulds,
no.100 Main St.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 3013-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Lonsdale, J. J.
First line: I opened the leaves of a book.
Shelf no.: v.7, p.139.

Gabriel, Virginia.
Weary. (Our vocal album, no.23). -- Buffalo : Cottier & Denton ;
Louisville, D.P. Faulds ; New York, W.A.Pond & Co. ; Philadelphia, G. Andre &
Co ; New Orleans, A.E. Blackmar.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.:
Lithographer/Engraver: Lewson's, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: Weary of living.
Shelf no.: v.138, p.279.

Galliarde, J.H.
May party rondo. (Evergreen leaves, no.11). -- Louisville : David P.
Faulds ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; Chicago, R.G. Greene ; Chicago,
Higgins Bros. ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber., 1855.
pp.22,23 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 391-3.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Rondos.
Shelf no.: v.98, p.123.

Ganz, Wilhelm.
Nightingale's trill. (Songs of the day). -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds,
no.100 Main St.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1758-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: Nightingale! nightingale! trill thou thy lay.
Shelf no.: v.37, p.87.

Gatty, Alfred S.
Oh, fair dove, oh, fond dove. [Choice vocal melodies]. O fair dove! O
fond dove!. -- Louisville : Jas. H. Cragg, 160 Fourth St.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 76.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Ingelow, Jean.
First line: Methought the stars were blinking bright.
Shelf no.: v.140, p.11.

Geil, Fred.
Blandina, polka brilliante. -- Louisville : Webb, Peters & Co., Fourth
St., 1855.
7 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 380-7.
Lithographer/Engraver: C.,W.A., engr., cover ; J. Slinglandt, engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Shelf no.: v.125, p.263.

Geil, Fred.
Western belle polka. -- Louisville : Faulds & Co., 539 Main St. ; Faulds
& Huber, Masonic Temple ; N. York, Wm. Hall & Son ; Boston, Henry Tolman,
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1101-4.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: To Miss Marie E. Shreve.
Shelf no.: v.78, p.31.

Genaline, F.K.
We are growing old together, ballad. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds ;
Cincinnati, W.F. Colburn ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber, 1855.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 882-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, engr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
First line: You have promised that thro' life.
Notes: To the Hon. Mason Brown & Lady. "The words selected".
Shelf no.: v.67, p.195 ; v.82, p.135.

Gillespie, W.F.
St. Dominick's hymn. (Memorare, sacred music for Catholic choirs) --
Louisville : James Perry, 1870.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 8-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice with chorus, & organ.
Subject: Sacred music.
First line: Gaude mater ecclesia.
Notes: Latin words.
Shelf no.: v.15, p.155.

Glover, Charles W.
Bashful young gentleman. -- Louisville : L. Washburn, 73 Fourth St. ;
Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; Boston, O. Ditson & Co.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, pr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Singers.
First line: They say I shall get over it.
Notes: To Sam B. Halliday. "Sung by Mr. Henri Wharton, of the New Orleans
English Opera Company.
Shelf no.: v.57, p.173 ; v.78, p.29 ; v.62, p.461.

Glover, Charles W.
Bashful young gentleman. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.70 Main St.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1670-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., printer, cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: "Words by himself".
First line: They say I shall get over it.
Notes: To Sam. B. Halliday. "Sung by Mr. Henri Wharton, of the New Orleans
English Opera Company". Publisher's catalog, back cover.
Shelf no.: v.84, p.50.

Glover, Charles W.
Home where changes never come. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., 109
Fourth St. ; Cleveland, S. Brainard & Co. ; Buffalo, J. Sage & Son.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 365-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Bellamy, W.H.
First line: Home where changes never come.
Shelf no.: v.59, p.205.

Glover, Charles W.
I miss thee my mother. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds & Co. ; Cleveland, S.
Brainard & Co. ; Boston, Oliver Ditson.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 947-5.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Cook, Eliza.
First line: I miss thee, my mother.
Shelf no.: v.35, p.201 ; v.82, p.97 [pl. no.723.5].

Glover, Charles W.
Rose of Tralee. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati Peters &
Field ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
4 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 159-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Irish songs.
Lyricist: Spencer, C. Mordaunt.
First line: The Pale moon was rising.
Shelf no.: v.16, p.99.

Glover, Charles W.
Souvenirs de Grisi. (Evenings at the opera, no.l) -- New York : Firth,
Pond & Co. ; Louisville Faulds, Stone & Morse ; Pittsburgh, H. Kleber.
11 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 3056.
Lithographer/Engraver: Wakeham, I.C., engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Operas, selections.
Shelf no.: v.71, p.47.

Glover, Charles W.
Twas a beautiful night. The Cavalier. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co.
; Cincinnati, Peters, Field & Co ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 216-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Bellamy, W.H.
First line: 'Twas a beautiful night.
Notes: "As sung by Miss Poole".
Shelf no.: PS.

Glover, Charles W.
Two cousins. (Select vocal duets, no.4). -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters &
Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son.
11 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 2349-10 cover, no.2346.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Lyricist: Bellamy, W.H.
First line: Well! it was, after all.
Shelf no.: v.57, p.131.

Glover, Stephen.
Can I forget my childhood's hours, ballad. -- Cleveland : S. Brainard &
Co. ; Louisville Brainard Bros.
4 p. of music ; 32 cm.
Pl. no.: 6058.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
First line: Can I forget my childhood's hours.
Shelf no.: v.95, p.251.

Glover, Stephen.
Charity. The Christian graces. (Household melodies, arranged to
household words, no.7). -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville,
Peters, Webb & Co. ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber ; Cleveland, Holbrook & Long.
5 p. of music ; 32 cm.
Pl. no.: 1831-3.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Sacred songs.
Lyricist: Jefferys, C.
First line: Meek and lowly.
Shelf no.: v.95, p.221.

Glover, Stephen.
Gently sighs the breeze. Duet. (Bouquet of operatic songs [no.11]. --
Louisville : D.P. Faulds.
7 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 1343.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Lyricist: Carpenter, J.E.
First line: Gently sighs the breeze.
Notes: To Miss Amelia C. Lurton.
Shelf no.: LS.

Glover, Stephen.
Gently sighs the breeze, the popular duet. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb
& Co. ; Cincinnati Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 234-7.
Lithographer/Engraver: Williams, T.J., engr., music.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Jenny Lind. Singers.
Lyricist: Carpenter, J.E.
First line: Gently sighs the breeze.
Notes: "Written for Madlle. Jenny Lind and Madelle Marietta Alboni".
Shelf no.: v.39, p.47 ; v.28, p.123.

Glover, Stephen.
Good time is here. -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; New York, Wm.
Hall & Son ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 2993.5.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Singers.
Lyricist: Pecqueur, A.T.
First line: My friends, you have heard.
Notes: "As sung by Henri Wharton".
Shelf no.: v.62, p.401.

Glover, Stephen.
I love the merry sunshine, ballad. (Gems of English song, no.5). --
Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 345-4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: English songs.
Lyricist: Lake, J.W.
First line: I love the merry merry sunshine.
Shelf no.: v.66, p.15.

Glover, Stephen.
I've a home in the valley. There's peace in the valley. -- Louisville :
Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; St.Louis, Balmer &
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 383-4 and 382-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr. & pr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Reply songs.
Lyricist: Carpenter, J.E.
First line: Come to the valley.
Notes: "An answer to the popular song, Give me a cot in the valley I love".
Shelf no.: LS.

Glover, Stephen.
In the starlight, duet. (Songs of the day). -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds,
no.70 Main St.
9 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1762-8.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Lyricist: Carpenter, J.E.
First line: In the starlight, in the starlight.
Shelf no.: v.90, p.29.

Glover, Stephen.
Let us call back the time. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.70 Main St.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 3018-7.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Duet, sop. & alto, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Lyricist: Carpenter, J. E.
First line: Let us call back the time.
Shelf no.: v.5, p.69.

Glover, Stephen.
Listen! 'tis the wood-bird's song. (Select vocal duetts, no.1). --
Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co ; New York,
Wm. Hall & Son.
9 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 2346-9.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Lyricist: Carpenter, J.E.
First line: Listen! Listen!.
Shelf no.: PS.

Glover, Stephen.
Little blossom. (Songs of the boudoir, no.4). -- Louisville : Peters,
Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; St.Louis, Balmer Weber.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 419-5.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: She came to smile.
Shelf no.: LS.

Glover, Stephen.
Murmuring sea. (12 popular vocal duetts, no.6). (Lays of the night,
no.2). -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ;
New York, Horace Waters.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 2004-6.
Lithographer/Engraver: Pearson, J.C., N.Y., cover.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Lyricist: Crawford, Mrs.
First line: Murmuring sea.
Notes: "To John Candy, Esq., of Shelbyville, Ky.".
Shelf no.: PS.

Glover, Stephen.
Music and her sister song. (Admired vocal duetts, no.3). -- Louisville :
Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
8 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 438.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Lyricist: Ryan, Richard.
First line: 'Tis music hath the magic pow'r.
Notes: Composer listed as Steven [sic] Glover.
Shelf no.: PS 2 cops.

Glover, Stephen.
Music, and her sister, song. (16 popular vocal duetts, no.12). --
Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co ; New York,
Horace Waters.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 2063-6 2000, cover].
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets, with piano.
Lyricist: Ryan, R.
First line: 'Tis music hath the magic pow'r.
Notes: "To John Candy, Esq., of Shelbyville, Ky.".
Shelf no.: PS.

Glover, Stephen.
Prince Albert's band march. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co.
5 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Pl. no.: 1645-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Webb, L.W., engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Marches.
Shelno.: v.76, p.115.

Glover, Stephen.
Song of Blanche Alpen. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati
Peters, Field & Co. ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Jefferys, Charles.
First line: You speak of sunny skies to me.
Shelf no.: v.77, p.159.

Glover, Stephen.
Song of Blanche Alpen. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds ; Baltimore, W.C.
Peters ; Cincinnati, Peters, Field & Co.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 195-5.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Jefferys, Charles.
First line: You speak of sunny skies to me.
Shelf no.: v.82, p.243.

Glover, Stephen.
What are the wild waves saying, duett. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds ;
Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 414=5.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
First line: What are the wild waves saying.
Shelf no.: v.94, p.81.

Glover, Stephen.
What are the wild waves saying. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ;
St.Louis, Balmer & Weber ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 414-6.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
First line: What are the wild waves saying.
Shelf no.: PS.

Glover, Stephen.
Why do the swallows change their home? (Select vocal duets, no.ll --
Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ; New York,
Wm Hall & Son.
9 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 2356-7 cover, no.2346.
Medium: Duet, with piano.
Subject: Duets.
Lyricist: Carpenter, J.E.
First line: Why do the swallows change their home.
Shelf no.: v.28, p.83.

[Glover, Stephen].
Dearest then I'll love you more. (Gems of English song, no.2). --
Louisville : David P. Faulds ; Cincinnati Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1690-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: Yes I'll love you.
Shelf no.: v.59, p.243.

[Glover, Stephen].
Will you love me then as now. (Gems of English song, no.l) -- Louisville
: Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters.
5 p. of music ; 32 cm.
Pl. no.: 1688-5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr., music ; Hulls & Shannon,
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: English songs.
First line: You have told me that you love me.
Shelf no.: PS ; v.66, p.9.

Gobbaerts, L.
Pleasant breeze, op.38. (Bluette). (Choice selection of compositions for
the piano). -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.100 Main St.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1970-6.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover ; J. Slinglandt, engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: v.87, p.123 ; v.114, p.141.

Godfrey, Daniel.
Belgravia waltzes. (Cornucopia, 4). -- Buffalo : Cottier & Denton ;
Louisville, D.P. Faulds ; New York, Wm.A. Pond & Co. ; Cleveland, S. Brainard
& Sons.
11 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: LP 2 cops.

Godshaw, Ben.
Mystic polka. -- Louisville : , 1875.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Illustrations: colored lith. cover.
Lithographer/Engraver: German, C.W., lith., Lou., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Polkas.
Notes: To Mystic Lodge, no.ll, Knights of Pythias, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: LP.

Godshaw, C.C., Dr.
L.A.C. foot ball galop. -- Louisville : Dr. C.C. Godshaw, 1895.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Illustrations: cover picture of E.W. Kelly, Capt. L.A.C.,l894.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Galops.
Notes: To the Louisville Athletic Club Foot Ball Team.
Shelf no.: v.73. p.1.

Goldbeck, Robert.
Purling stream, morceau brilliant. -- Eminence, Ky. : Aug. G. Reichert,
11 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Notes: c1882 by Robert Goldbeck.
Shelf no.: LP.

Goodall, J.K.
That little girl of ours. -- Louisville : Faulds, Stone & Morse, 539
Main St., 1854.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 905.4.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Singers. Ballads.
Lyricist: Thornton, Geo. F.
First line: Of that little girl of our Mary.
Notes: "Sung by Madame Julien, at the concerts of Le petit Ole Bull".
Shelf no.: v.86, p.269.

Gottschalk, Louis Moreau.
Danse Ossianique. -- Louisville : G.W. Brainard & Co., Fourth Street ;
Cleveland, S. Brainard & Co. ; New Orleans, P.P. Werlein.
9 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 652-8.
Medium: Piano.
Notes: Unabridged edition.
Shelf no.: v.58, p.207.

Gottschalk, Louis Moreau.
Valse poetique. Sospiro. -- New York : Wm. Hall & Sons ; Louisville,
D.P. Faulds & Co. ; Phila., C. Andre & Co., 1857.
11 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 4110.
Lithographer/Engraver: Luson, H., N.Y., engr., cover ; Clayton, engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: To Madame Taylor, de Baltimore.
Shelf no.: v.18, p.139 ;v.18,p.191.

Gounod, Charles.
Begin my soul th'exalting lay. (Transcriptions from Gounod, no.4). --
Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.70 Main St., 1869.
8 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1519-8.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover ; J. Slinglandt, engr., music.
Medium: Chorus, with organ acc.
Subject: Sacred music.
Arranger: Peters, Henry J.
First line: Begin, begin my soul.
Notes: "Adapted to the service of the Episcopal Church".
Shelf no.: v.80, p.79.

Gounod, Charles.
Day is past and gone. (Transcriptions from Gounod, adapted to the
service of the Episcopal Church, no.6). Hymn 171. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds,
no.70 Main St., 1869.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1518-4.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover ; J. Slinglandt, engr., music.
Medium: Solo with chorus, & piano.
Subject: Sacred music.
Arranger: Peters, H.J.
First line: Day is past and gone.
Shelf no.: v.99, p.149.

Gounod, Charles.
Easter anthem. (Transcriptions from Gounod, no.1) -- Louisville : D.P.
Faulds, no.70 Main St., 1868.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1509-7.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover ; J. Slinglandt, engr., music.
Medium: Chorus, with organ acc.
Subject: Sacred music.
Arranger: Peters, Henry J.
First line: Christ our passover.
Notes: "Adapted to the service of the Episcopal Church".
Shelf no.: v.80, p.71.

Gounod, Charles.
Gloria in excelsis. (Transcriptions from Gounod, n.2). -- Louisville :
D.P. Faulds, no.70 Main St., 1867.
8 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1498-8.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr., music ; Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Chorus & organ.
Subject: Sacred music.
Arranger: Peters, H.J.
First line: Glory be to God on high.
Notes: "Adapted to the service of the Episcopal Church".
Shelf no.: v.37, p.35 ; v.101, p.367.

Gounod, Charles.
Nazareth. (Transcriptions from Gounod, no.9). -- Louisville : D.P.
Faulds, no.70 Main St., 1868.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1546-7.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Solos & chorus, with organ acc.
Subject: Sacred music.
Lyricist: Chorley, H. F.
Arranger: Peters, Henry J.
First line: Though poor be the chamber.
Notes: "Adapted to the service of the Episcopal Church".
Shelf no.: v.80, p.95.

Gounod, Charles.
Sing, smile, slumber. Canti, ridi, dormi! Serenade. (Concert songs by
foreign writers). -- Louisville : D. P. Faulds, 165 Fourth Ave., 1877.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 3030-6.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed,engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Hugo, Victor. C.C. Haskins, Eng.
First line: When thy song love.
Notes: French, English & Italian words. At head of cover: correct edition.
Shelf no.: v.6, p.61.

Gounod, Charles.
Softly now the light of day. (Transcriptions from Gounod, no.5). --
Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.70 Main St., 1868.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1521-6.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Chorus, with organ acc.
Subject: Sacred music.
Arranger: Peters, Henry J.
First line: Softly now the light of day.
Notes: "Adapted to the service of the Episcopal Church".
Shelf no.: v.80, p.87.

Gounod, Charles.
Tell me beautiful maiden, barcarolla. (Foreign songs by favorite
authors). Ou voulez vous aller?. -- Louisville : D. P. Faulds, no.70 Main St.,
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: G. A. & Co. 1175 5.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: French songs.
Lyricist: Everest, C., English words.
First line: Tell me, beautiful maiden.
Notes: English & French words. c1867 by G. Andre & Co., Penn.
Shelf no.: v.6, p.31.

Gray, H.W. (of Louisville, Ky.).
Valse Marie. -- Louisville : W.C. Peters ; New York, J.L. Hewitt., 1843.
2 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Ackerman, Sml, Engr. & printer.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Shelf no.: PS.

Greenhough, T.H., Dr.
Exposition romanza. -- Louisville : Emily Tripp, 161 Fourth Ave., 1880.
5 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: stereotype of Exposition Building.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Louisville Exposition.
Notes: To The Citizens of Louisville.
Shelf no.: LP.

Grobe, Charles.
Ben Bolt, chant favori de Kneass, varie pour le piano. Op.151. --
Baltimore : W.C. Peters; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co.; Cincinnati,
W.C.Peters & Sons; Philadelphia, Edward L. Walker, 1850.
7 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1439.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Notes: " Mademoiselle Kate W. English".
Shelf no.: PS.

Grobe, Charles.
Bonny Eloise, with brilliant variaitions, op.1111. (Beautiful melodies
of J.R. Thomas, no.l). -- New York : Wm. Hall & Son ; Louisville, D.P. Faulds
& Co. ; Boston, Russell & Tolman, 1859.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 4387.
Lithographer/Engraver: Wakelam & Bros., engr., cover ; Clayton, engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: v.26, p.105.

Grobe, Charles.
Going ahead, quick step. (Musical knick knacks, no.10). -- Philadelphia
: Lee & Walker ; Louisville, F.W. Ratcliffe, 1852.
3 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 4827.2.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Quick steps.
Notes: Aux Demoiselles Lizzie O. Flint et Harriet R. Kidder.
Shelf no.: v.86, p.67.

Grobe, Charles.
Happy birdling of the forest, with brilliant variations. Op.1010.
Warbling woodland, brilliant variations on Wallace's melody. -- New York : Wm.
Hall & Son ; Louisville, D.P. Faulds & Co. ; Philadelphia, Lee & Walker ; New
Orleans, P.P. Werlein & Co., 1858.
9 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 4257.
Lithographer/Engraver: Marcato, Ben, engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Notes: To Madlle Martha Haines Butt, son aimable eleve.
Shelf no.: LP.

Grobe, Charles.
Harbinger gallop. (Pearls of melody, no.12). Op.336. -- Cincinnati :
W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cleveland, Holbrook &
Long., 1855.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1925-3 cover, 1913.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Galops.
Notes: To Mademoiselle Emma A. Lore.
Shelf no.: v.65, p.57.

Grobe, Charles.
Old play ground, with brilliant variations, op.1152. -- Louisville :
Tripp & Cragg ; New York, Wm. Hall & Son ; Philadelphia, Lee & Walker., 1859.
9 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Perine, T.B., engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Notes: To Miss Lizzie Seymour. "Salut a` Louisville. Brilliant variations on
Charlie Ward's beautiful melody, The old play ground".
Shelf no.: v.136, p.187, c.2; LP.

Grobe, Charles.
The refugee, brilliante variations on the melody of Will S.Hays.
Op.l80l. -- Louisville : Louis Tripp, Harmony Hall, 1866.
9 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1027.8.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations. Hays, Will S.
Notes: To Mrs. Robt. W. Hays.
Shelf no.: v.3, p.177.

Grobe, Charles.
Richmond on the James, with brilliant variations, op.1576. (Chords of
love, no.l). -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, 223 Main St., 1865.
8 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 1401-8.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., engr., music ; Pearson, N.Y., engr.,
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Shelf no.: LP.

Grobe, Charles.
Then you'll remember me, with brilliant variations, op.330. (Grobe's
musical mirror, no.5). -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; New York, Horace
Waters ; Cleveland, Holbrook & Long ;, 1855.
8 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1908-6.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Notes: To William I.Lemon.
Shelf no.: v.14, p.32.

Grobe, Charles.
Washington's march, with brilliant variations, op.414. -- Philadelphia :
Lee & Walker ; Louisville, Ratcliffe & Deboe, 1854.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 5200.6.
Lithographer/Engraver: McCarthy, E., engr., cover.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Notes: To General George Cadwalader.
Shelf no.: LP.

Grobe, Charles.
We stood beside the window, chant favori de W.C. Peters, varie pour le
piano. Op. 155. -- Baltimore: W.C. Peters; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co.;
Cincinnati, Peters & Field; Philadelphia, E.L. Walker; Boston, E.H. Wade.,
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1452.6.
Lithographer/Engraver: Williams, T.J., engr., music.
Subject: Variations.
Notes: "Mademoiselle Sallie Richardson."
Shelf no.: PS.

Grobe, Charles.
We stood beside the window, chant favori de W.C. Peters. Variations,
op.155. -- Baltimore : W.C. Peters ; Cincinnati, Peters & Field ;
Philadelphia, E.L. Walker ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ; Boston, E.H.
Wade, 1850.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1452.
Lithographer/Engraver: Williams, T.J.,engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Notes: To Mademoiselle Sallie Richardson. Variations on W.C. Peters' song, "We
stood beside the window".
Shelf no.: v.139, p.55.

Grobe, Charles.
Willie Bell, with brilliant variations. Op.1050. Parted hours, brilliant
variations on Geo. R. Poulton's song. -- New York : William A. Pond & Co. ;
Louisville, D.P. Faulds & Co. ; Cincinnati, W.C. Peters & Sons ; Boston, O.
Ditson & Co., Russell & Fuller., 1858.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 7624.
Lithographer/Engraver: Sage, J., & Sons, engr., cover ; Pearson, engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Notes: To his friend, Melville Malcom. c1858 by Blodgett & Bradford in
northern district of New York.
Shelf no.: v.118, p.209.

Grobe, Charles.
We met by chance, with variations. Op.325 (Happy thoughts, no.1). --
Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville, Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cleveland,
Holbrook & Long ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber ; New York, Horace Waters., 1854.
8 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1899.7 cover, 1298.
Lithographer/Engraver: Reed, engr., music.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Variations.
Notes: To Mrs. George Loomis.
Shelf no.: v.112, p.91.

Gross, Louise.
Minnie waltz. -- Louisville : David P. Faulds ; Cincinnati, W.F. Colburn
; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber, 1855.
11 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 453-11.
Lithographer/Engraver: Coles, W.A.,engr., cover ; Slinglandt, J., engr.,
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: To Mrs. Rufus King, Cincinnati.
Shelf no.: v.31, p.297.

Guentz, A. Ch.
Impromptu capricieux. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ; Cincinnati,
Peters & Field ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters, 1850.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1571-6.
Medium: Piano.
Notes: To Mlle Marie Johnston, Louisville, Ky.
Shelf no.: v.39, p.205.

Guernsey, W.
I'll hang my harp on a willow tree, a page's romance. -- Louisville :
W.C. Peters & Co., 507 Main St. ; Peters Field & Co., Cincinnati.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1151.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: I'll hang my harp on a willow tree.
Notes: New edition.
Shelf no.: v.77, p.175.

Guglielmo, P. D.
Lover and the bird. -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, no.70 Main St.
7 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1551-7.
Lithographer/Engraver: Slinglandt, J., music ; Reed, engr., cover.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Oxenford, J.
First line: Oh sing! sing on.
Notes: "To Miss Hannah J. Lithgow".
Shelf no.: v.7, p.125.

Guibert, Ben. J.
La Belle Lucie, waltz. -- Louisville : H.J. Peters & Co. ; New York,
Firth, Hall & Pond., 1848.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Lithographer/Engraver: Tone, R.W., engr. & pr.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: To Miss Sallie Knight.
Shelf no.: PS.

Guibert, Ben. J.
Give me back my dreams. -- Cincinnati : W.C. Peters & Sons ; Louisville,
Peters, Webb & Co. ; St.Louis, Balmer & Weber., 1852.
6 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1798-5.
Illustrations: cover embossed.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Notes: "To Miss Edwina Dean".
Shelf no.: PS.

Eventide. (Choice vocal melodies). -- Louisville : James H. Cragg, 160
Fourth St.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 277 3.
Medium: Voice & piano.
First line: Clear blue sky of spring.
Shelf no.: LS.

Gunter, E.W.
Gloria Patria, arranged from Mozart. (Evening service of the Protestant
Episcopal church). -- Louisville : D.P. Faulds, 1863.
27 p. of music ; 36 cm.
Pl. no.: 1360-26.
Lithographer/Engraver: Hart & Mapother, lith., cover ; J. Slinglandt, engr. &
pr., music.
Medium: Chorus with organ or piano.
Subject: Sacred music.
First line: Glory, glory, glory be to God.
Notes: To Rev. Francis M. Whittle.
Shelf no.: Archive (MS783.22 G97e) 5 cops.

Gunter, E.W.
I love to look in those dreamy eyes. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co.
; Cincinnati, Peters, Field & Co. ; Baltimore, W.C. Peters., 1850.
5 p. of music ; 34 cm.
Pl. no.: 1575-6.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Cosby, F.
First line: I love to look in those dreamy eyes.
Notes: To Miss Julia O. Ruffner. "Subject from Reissiger".
Shelf no.: v.74, p.155.

Gunter, E.W.
Luna waltz. "Meet me by moonlight" air. -- Louisville : W.C. Peters,
2 p. of music ; 35 cm.
Medium: Piano.
Subject: Waltzes.
Notes: "Dedicated to Miss Martha White".
Shelf no.: PS.

Gunter, E.W.
There's a nook in the greenwood. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co. ;
Cincinnati, Peters, Field & Co. ; Baltimore, W.C.Peters, 1850.
5 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 203.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Subject: Ballads.
Lyricist: Cosby, Fortunatus.
First line: There's a nook in the greenwood.
Notes: To Miss Mary F. Cosby.
Shelf no.: v.42, p.54.

Guylott, R.
Cracovian maid. -- Louisville : Peters, Webb & Co.
2 p. of music ; 33 cm.
Pl. no.: 1711-2.
Lithographer/Engraver: Webb, L.W., engr., music.
Medium: Voice & piano.
Lyricist: Morton, F.
Shelf no.: PS.

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