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Self-Help: Legal Research: General Resources

An overview of resources that may be useful to individuals who choose to represent themselves in legal matters.

Kentucky Courts

Legal Forms

It is important to remember that legal "forms" are not always a blank worksheet to complete. Legal forms are usually guidelines on how to draft a particular legal document.

Be careful when searching for legal forms online, since legal forms vary widely between different states. You need to be certain that you are using the appropriate form or guidelines for Kentucky.

Library Books

Most of our books are written for law students or lawyers, however, some series like books published by Nolo are often helpful to non-lawyers. Some general titles are highlighted below. You can also click the Common Topics tab in this guide or search the library catalog for more.

Library Databases

Free Online Resources

Research Guides

Other States

These materials focus on Kentucky law. Law school or county law libraries in other states may be able to help you find materials relevant to the law of those states. Some useful resources in Indiana and Ohio are listed below.

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