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Study for Finals with the Law Library

by Erin Gow on 2023-04-19T10:32:53-04:00 | 0 Comments

In addition to providing group and individual spaces to study for final exams, the Law Library also offers a range of study materials and resources to help students prepare.

Check out a print study aid from the front desk, or use one of our online study aid collections wherever you are. The Aspen Learning Library includes study aids from the Emanuel, Examples & Explanations, Glannon, Jumpstart, and other series. The Lexis Brandeis Law Digital Library includes selected study aids from the Mastering, Understanding, and Questions & Answers series. CALI offers video lessons and online tutorials.

Our list of study aids for core courses can help you identify which platform has the materials you need, and information for creating new accounts for any of these resources is available on the intranet.


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