Kornhauser Health Sciences Library strives to augment and elevate health education, research, and patient care by providing exceptional reference, knowledge, and resources in collaboration with our clinical, academic, and community partners.
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Kornhauser Health Sciences Library publishes a periodic newsletter highlighting events, new spaces, what our librarians are doing, and how Kornhauser is outreaching to the community. Read our entire newsletter to learn more!
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Thanks to Andrew Petrey for taking the new photos located throughout Kornhauser's website.
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Kornhauser Librarians enjoyed their time at the KDFA Parade Preview Party!
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We've added some additional study space on the main floor of the library. Looking for a quiet place to study? We've got you covered!
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Congratulations to Kornhauser Clinical Librarian Jessica Petrey for becoming certified in LGBT training for health care workers.
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Kornhauser Health Sciences Library publishes a periodic newsletter highlighting events, new spaces, what our librarians are doing, and how Kornhauser is outreaching to the community. Read our entire newsletter to learn more!
The Kornhauser Health Sciences Library continues to be a vibrant and integral component of the University of Louisville Health Sciences campus and the local medical community.
Each year, the funds received from the Friends of the Library are used to enhance the services and collections of the Kornhauser Library to better serve the University and the community.
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