is the consumer health resource from the National Library of Medicine. covers a wide range of health and wellness topics. The content is regularly updated, ad-free, and easy to read. Also available in Spanish / disponsible en español.
MedlinePlus contains five key sections:
Health Topics offers summaries and resources related to a variety of medical conditions, therapies, and wellness issues. Genetics covers genetic disorders, individual genes, and the science of genetics. Medical Encyclopedia offers brief summaries of various terms and concepts related to health, wellness, and medical practice.
Some quick tips:
Go-To Resources LGBTQ+ Health Portal
Brief overviews of health topics relevant to LGBTQ+ people and links to additional information from authoritative sources.
One-stop shop for HIV/AIDS information, including information on preventing, testing, and living with HIV; updates on research and the federal response; and a locator for testing, PrEP, and treatment sites.
Find Affirming Healthcare
Provider Directories: LGBTQ+ Healthcare Directory and OutCare Health
These national directories list medical and mental health providers that have identified as affirming. Listings vary by specialty, but a number of providers in the Louisville area are included.
Includes information about your healthcare rights and facility ratings.
24/7 phone, text, and online chat crisis services for LGBTQ+ young people.
Healthcare Planning
Preparing for Medical Procedures and Advanced Care Planning
SAGE, an advocacy group for LGBTQ+ elders, has several tools to help make sure your wishes are respected in case of a health emergency. This is especially important to prepare for if you want your family of choice to be involved in your healthcare.
Alternative and Complementary Medicine:
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
The NCCIH is an institute of the National Institutes of Health dedicated to complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine approaches. Most topic pages are on herbs and supplements, which delve into the safety and effectiveness of those products. There are also pages on other types of complementary medicine treatments, such as acupuncture and hypnosis, and various conditions, such as chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis. The NCCIH also has information on being an informed consumer and understanding the science behind various treatments.
American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society is a nonprofit dedicated to cancer research and advocacy. Their website contains in-depth information on dozens of different types of cancers and their causes and prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Information is also available on cancer prevention, recommended screenings, making treatment decisions, financial and insurance issues, and survivorship.
The Nemours Foundation
The Nemours Foundation operates Nemours Children's Hospital in Delaware. Their website contains three separate sections: For Parents, For Kids, and For Teens. Each section contains information on health, wellness, and child development at a reading level and with content coverage specific to the target audience.
American Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes association is a nonprofit dedicated to research, education, and advocacy on diabetes. Their website contains basic information on diabetes, such as different types of diabetes, warning signs of diabetes, and key terms to know. They also include information on diabetes prevention, living with diabetes, managing diabetes complications, and managing healthcare costs. includes information on prescription, over-the-counter, and veterinary drugs. Information on dosing, side effects, drug interactions, pregnancy effects, and more is included for each drug on the website. Additional useful tools include a visual pill identifier and a phonetic search for drug names.
CAUTION: Some drugs on this website have user-submitted ratings and reviews posted. This feature might be useful for comparing brands of over-the-counter medicines, but we do not recommend online reviews for prescription medications. Prescription drugs affect different people very differently depending on the dose, their health condition, and more. Always talk to your doctor if you have concern about a prescription medication.
CAUTION: This website contains ads. The website does not endorse any drugs being advertised, but you are likely to see drug ads because of how ad placement algorithms work.
American Heart Association
The American Heart Association is a nonprofit focused on cardiovascular health and research. Their website contains information on a variety of health conditions, the main ones being heart attack and stroke. The website also has information on healthy living and can help you find CPR classes.
Consumer Product Information Database
This database was developed with support from the National Library of Medicine. It contains information on the ingredients and potential health effects of a variety of consumer goods, ranging from household cleaners to cosmetics to pesticides to art supplies.
NIH Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center
This website from the National Institutes of Health contains information on thousands of rare diseases. Diagnosis, treatments, ongoing research, and support resources for patients and caregivers are covered.