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SOC 454 Social Stratification

General Sociology Databases

Researching social stratification can span many topics and issues, meaning you might not be simply researching databases like Sociological Abstracts to find research relevant to your topic.

This page will provide databases organized by field to show the breadth of resources available to you depending on your topic. Many of these databases are interdisciplinary--for example, you can also research gender-related topics in JSTOR, which is located under "General Resources." 

This list is by no means comprehensive, but will provide an overview of the databases available to you while you're researching topics related to social stratification. 

Other Databases related to Class, Race, & Gender

If you've taken a course in the Social Sciences before, you've likely experienced the myriad resources available to you because you're researching a topic that spans across disciplines. 

Listed here are a few other databases that can help you research these forms of inequality.

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