The University Writing Center provides support to faculty and students through every step of the research, writing, and publishing process.
You can make an appointment to meet individually with Writing Center staff.
The Writing Center offers a number of online resources to assist in the writing and citation process.
The Writing Center also holds a Faculty and Graduate Student Writing Group and Graduate Student Writing Workshops.
The impact factor of an academic journal helps you determine the importance of a journal within its field. Web of Science's Journal Citation Reports allows you to search for the impact factor of specific journals and compare impact factors across all journals in your field of study.
ThinkIR is an open-access digital repository that provides worldwide access to the scholarship of the University of Louisville community. Through ThinkIR, faculty and graduates can highlight their scholarship, accomplishments, and successes as researchers for a global audience, increasing their visibility and making new connections.
Theses and dissertations can be added to the ThinkIR collection.
To learn more about ThinkIR and how to create a profile, please visit: