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This guide will help you conduct online research for first-person narratives as part of your English 105 course.


The resources listed on this guide serve as examples of online databases and collections featuring first-person narratives and other primary source materials. This is not a comprehensive list, as there are countless resources available online on various topics. In addition to exploring the resources on this page, you should also spend time searching Google for oral histories and interviews on topics that interest you personally. Online repositories and social media sites such as YouTube and Internet Archive may also include first-person narratives on a variety of topics.

Click on the "Photo Resources" tab above to find example online resources for historical photographs.

If you need assistance with your research, please set up an online appointment with a librarian. We're here to help!

This guide was developed by Rob Detmering with additional research help from library student assistant Reaney Gaines.

Oral Histories and Interviews


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Rob Detmering
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